I have promised myself that this year, I will spend even more time in the space in which I get so very much enjoyment and fulfillment in; my art studio. And so this past Sunday, that’s just what I did for myself! In anticipating our home mantels decor, for the month of February, I wanted to create something love-themed, in celebration St. Valentine’s Day, of course. I chose to do a simple buttons craft project. I have a certain kind of love-thing, for buttons! Do you, too?
I had just so happened to pick up a couple of these little cutting boards, for $1!, at the Christmas Tree Shop. They are about 5 1/2 x 8 3/4 inches. The moment I saw them, I knew they could come in handy for the dozens of projects that ran through my head. (Oh…and they are handy in the kitchen, too, I suppose.). I wish I got more! But anyway….I decided using one of them would work just right, as a base, for my little project.
Here are the few supplies I needed for this project:
-a little board
– *a hot glue gun
– a roll of burlap material
– a heap of buttons!
*I have to say….I was all about the E6000 when it came out! But I have concluded after trying to work with it a few times now:
1. The smell of it alone says, ‘This cannot be good for you! In fact, it’s killing you slowly’.
2. Once it’s opened, the whole tube seems to turn rock-hard, making it impossible to work with, if you can even get the cap off!
(P.S. Don’t use your teeth, in the midst of your lack of patience. And don’t ask me how I know.)
Word to my glue gun!: >> ‘I’m back! I really love you, and I’m really SO sorry I ever abandoned you in the drawer, for the latest thingy!’
Next, ‘O’ (a.k.a. Olivia Faith around here), went through our buttons jar, and gathered some in colors that seem to represent St. Valentine’s Day: reds, pinks, and maybe some whites for good measure.
The craft roll of burlap I had, with stitched edging, was the perfect width for my little board!
So I just cut some to size in length, and after wrapping it around my board, I secured the ends on the backside, with my hot glue!
I was not feeling good about ‘free-shaping’ a heart, by hot-gluing buttons. So TIP ALERT: I cut out a heart-shaped template. I did the old trick, of folding a piece of paper in half, trimmed to the height of the board, drawing one half of the heart from the fold, cutting it out, and then re-opening – so that both sides of the shape are identical.
Using that as a general guide, I filled it in, by hot-gluing buttons. I was very happy I had teeny-tiny little buttons, too, as they came in handy sometimes, filling in those little gaps!
I was just sitting in my bright, cozy studio, listening to music, and enjoying my progress, until soon….it was all filled in! It was a thrill to remove my template, and see how it looked.
I love how it came out. I think it’ll be a sweet little piece, to add to our February mantels decor! Don’t you?
It’s rustic, homey, and simple. I thought of adding a little ribbon to one side but….I don’t know. I’m kind of loving it as it it is.
I have more love-themed project visions running through my head, that I hope soon come to life through my hands. And my studio is always calling me….to just be….in some kind of creative mode. I swear, it always feels like a gift, straight from the hand of God, when I am in there. It’s a truly prayerful place for me to be. I’ll be sure to share with you, any other creations that come forth soon. Meanwhile, I hope this project inspires you ! Buttons can be a lot of fun to work with!
Thanks for coming by! Let the theme of love inspire you!
By the way……
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I have so many buttons! Thanks for this!