Here we are at 2007, for my very first time working with them. My theme, all revolved around the girls, of course, and a beautiful book, called A Christmas Story. The subject of my past couple posts in this photography section, has been on my annual Christmas photo shoots with these 2 beautiful little girls. I first shared my most recent shoot with you of them (2009), then shared 2008‘s.
The girls were only 2 and 4 years old at the time, so I figured it was quite possible, I’d be working my tail off.
And I was only half wrong, and only for a little while. Imagine that.
Here is Big Sister (A), who was quite co-operative from the get-go. And she has been for every photo shoot, ever since. She’s so wonderful to work with. A little lady from head to toe.
Here is Little Sister (A), who was ‘another story’, but only for a little while. She looks like she might be sleeping, doesn’t she? But no. She started off throwing a little fit, not wanting to sit on the bench with her sister. Just plopped face down on the couch. Mom was mortified. I was smitten with her already, and took a photo. Little Sister (A) had only met me once before, so she yet didn’t know that I always win in the end! She’d find out though. We were going to develop a wonderful working relationship with each other. I had faith.
Each time we have worked with each other since, she has only been a bit more work than her older sister – but then she remembers all of the fun we end up having. It’s o.k. anyway, because in the end, she always pays me in GOLD!
At one point, mom was beside herself with frustration, so I sent her to the kitchen to hide, and told her to stay in there. I needed to take complete control, which happens sometimes. She didn’t have the faith that I did, yet. (I have to say, Mom was so cute hiding in there too, if you saw her, ducking and everything.)
See? Tantrum over. The dimples alone were worth her fuss!!
I got her over to the bench, with a little helpful coaxing from her Big Sister too!…
…..who was showing and sharing the story with her. With lots expression, which I loved! CLICK!
And then the real magic started to happen…..
Real moments.
Sweet moments. And maybe Christmas Secrets.
Christmas Kisses. Between sisters, who really love each other.
I got lots of beautiful photos, as they shared and enjoyed this book, A Christmas Story, together.
There were so many beautiful shots in the end. But as always, mom had to narrow them down to the ones she wanted me to work with for their Christmas card, and the ones she wanted to order as prints.
Once I had the photos I could design with, my plan was to design a beautiful tri-fold card, with warm, rich tones. If you do not understand what a tri-fold card is, I tried to take just a couple of photos to help you comprehend the structure of it. Closed, it’s a 5×5 square, and it opens twice, with 2 flaps. There is photos and something to see on all sides.
Here it is standing on a table.
Here is the inside full spread, which is the card opened all of the way.
We’ll take a closer look now.
This is the front of the card, closed. For my client’s privacy, I have blurred out their family last name after ‘ from The’. But I can tell you, their last name has such a nice, upscale sound to it.
These were printed on pearl heavy card stock, with a UV coating. They look and feel so beautiful to hold.
This is how a tri-fold card looks when the front flap is opened, revealing two square panels. You first read the left, and just enjoy the photo on the right.
You read the rest of the greeting when it is fully opened. If there is anyone who cannot read it well here, it says,
“With the love that we send…….and from beginning to end…..May you have a Story Book Christmas!”
And then the family’s names, with the girl’s names blurred.
So continuing understanding the structure of a tri-fold card, here is what the whole card looks like as a full panel if you opened it up and flipped it over. On the left square, is the inside panel which is on the right when the reader opens the card. The center square is the back of the card, and the right is the front of the card. It can be a little confusing, I know. I go through a little panic mode, every time I assemble one of these before sending off for printing.
Here is the back of this card, that the family so graciously lets me go all out on. (My name is going to be on my creations, no matter what. But they really are so great about whatever I want to do.)
The card comes with square envelopes, and I prefer the linen ones, in keeping with the tasteful quality.
Mom was SO HAPPY with her cards, that she sent me an e-mail, and told me she took one to bed with her, so she could look at it again when she woke up during the night. Now my clients say a lot of very sweet things to me, and it always touches my heart, and drives me to keep working. But nothing any client has said to me about my work since, has touched me quite as deeply as that one.
Mom ordered LOTS of different prints, INCLUDING this one…..
….which she still talks about. She loves it, because it shows Little (A)’s personality.
Along with all of the above ones, here are just a few more of the ones she ordered….
This was ordered too, as a 10×20 ‘Storyboard’, as I call them.
I thought it was perfect as the ‘footer’ of this blog post. : )
I look forward to working with these girls again, come the end of the year. Until then, I’ll be sharing some more recent work now and then.
(sniff- sniff) < Do you smell something?>

Gorgeous photos, card, girls, and DRESSES!!!!!
Me too Maria! I often think the same thing, when I see them on your blog. Thank you very much. : )
Oh Paula – The fantasy of me may be better. But with that said, I do hope we can blow it some day. : )
OH-how I wish you could photograph my kids! Your work is amazing! ๐
It just makes me want to meet you IRL even more!!!!!!