After having a nagging urge to paint for a couple of days last month, I finally found some time to sit down with my watercolor supplies, to create something. As usual, I wanted to make something that would have a purpose; as opposed to just painting for the fun of it, and then wondering what to do with it. (I don’t really like this quality in me, by the way. I’d rather be more creatively spontaneous. So I am working on that in another creative process.) As I figured out what to paint, I realized it was almost the month of March, and so almost time to change our home’s February/Love themed double-mantels.
March….the beginning of spring, and St. Patrick’s Day. I don’t think there is a lick of Irish in any of us, but I decided to go with the theme somewhat anyway, and make a piece of art for our March mantels: 4-Leaf Clover Art.
I had a vision in my head. I got my hues of green ready to go in my palette, and then free-handed a 4-leaf clover, on my ~11×14″ watercolor pad.
As part of the art, I wanted to include a phrase that reflected the kind of thought that always starts bouncing around in my head, when I hear or read about luck, or people stating how lucky there are. I tend to ponder to myself……IS it luck? Or is it a blessing from God? Not to take a thing away from the Irish, their luck, or anything else. But I’m more in the camp of believing in blessings. That everything that happens, is part of God’s greater plan. I usually don’t tend to believe in much luck. That’s me.
At any rate, I got to enjoying myself, painting, and here are the results…..
Not quite what I had envisioned, but I liked how it came out, anyway. As always with my watercolor painting, it started out feeling like a real hot mess. But I kept going anyway, and it started to come together. I tend to forget how watercolor painting, is really a building process.
I think I may make this into a House of Joyful Noise Social ShareIt, too.
Below is a closer look. I started out just wetting the whole shape, and then laying in color. I tried to make the edges and middle darkest, and indicate some kind of crease in the middle of each leaf. Because I wanted some real variation in the colors, I sprinkled some kosher salt all over it, while it was still quite wet.
I left it until it was dry, and then brushed most of it off. What salt was left that was really kind of stuck to the paper, I just left. It gave the piece a little texture, and I decided I really liked that.
We are well into March now, and the piece is indeed framed, and featured up on our March-themed double-mantels.
So tell us; Do you believe in luck? Blessings? Maybe a little of both?
Leave your thoughts and feelings with us in the comments. We look forward to reading them!

[…] The decor for these mantels is super minimal and simple. It also features artwork I recently did, 4-Leaf Clover Art, which I blogged about most recently. Visit the link to see more about the inspiration for the […]