We wanted to share with you a simple, little, hand held educational games that our kids get a lot of enjoyment out of! It’s a great game that helps develop spelling skills, vocabulary, problem solving, motor skills, and more. And we should let you know that this post contains an affiliate link, for this word game that has provided so much fun-filled educational time for our kids, that we wanted to point you it, and see what you think.
The game is called Word Spin, and it has won several awards–including the Oppenheim 1996 Gold Seal Award, the Best Mind Game of 1995 from MENSA (the high-IQ society), and the 1995 Game of the Year from the Australian Toy Association. There are larger size versions, but ours happens to be the little key chain version. Which matters none to our kids. It’s actually more manageable for small little hands, but our oldest, who has much larger hands, still plays with it. And so do I. : ) It’s too much fun not to! What I love most about hand-held games like this, is that they are quiet, and do not require batteries!
The game naturally comes with instructions, and directions of how to play up to 10 different games! This game is one we have had in our home, and used, since our oldest was little, and so unfortunately our directions have been lost-since there is no way to keep them together. But really, any parent, or school aged kid, could think up several word games to play on their own, or with one more more others. (Although we really do not recommend losing the directions. lol)
Here’s a little more information about this game:
Word Spin consists of eight interlocking, magnetic spin wheels with 10 facets that each display one letter. One possible game is where each player takes turns combining the wheels to form words, for a set number of turns each. With each word a player forms, they add up the points on each letter, and the player with the highest score in the end wins. (Oh, math!)
Our kids have come up with several games of their own, using Word Spin. Yesterday when the 3 little ones played, these were the challenges they gave each other:
{O} and {S} challenged {J} to spell the word POTTERY our, correctly, with the wheels, and {J} wasted no time getting to work, while the other 2 looked on…..
{J} was rapidly getting the word together, and looking pleased with his progress….
Mission accomplished.
Next up was {S}’s turn…
{J and O} gave him the word LADDER….
They all got a giggle as {S} frantically took a part and put back together the wheels, looking for the letters he needed….
Meanwhile, {O} started playing with the 2 remaining wheels on the floor-which is another fun aspect of this game. Since all of the wheels are magnetic, they have positive and negative side, with which they can connect all together, or push some around with another. (Oh, science!)
There it is!!
When it was {O}’s turn, they decided to switch up the game,….
She closed her eyes, and scrambled up the wheels really good.
When she opened her eyes, on the count of 3, she had until their count of 10 to make a 3 letter word. For this one, taking the wheels apart was not allowed.
They counted to 1, when she said, “I already have one! RUG!” (And I spy PUT right under it.)
There is no doubt that this little gadget has provided lots of educational FUN for all of the kids here….big and small!
{J} hadn’t even started his turn upon opening his eyes, when he spotted the word (?) BOO! Could it count a a real word?
Well it was in our online dictionary!
This game has also been handy on long car rides, and also come out of someone’s pocket while we we waited for our meals in a restaurant.
If you are interested in this word game, here is a link the link once again to be purchased online : WORD SPIN
Although it is also likely still sold in some stores in the games section.
Do you have any simple and educational little hand games your kids love? We’d love it if you’d share them with us!

Please leave your thoughts with us!