Just a handful of our garden vegetable photos, to share with you, today!

Look how CUTE!!

These turned red rapidly after this photo.

Look at all of the tomatoes in there!! YAHOOO!

A treat, right off the vine!

‘Last Saturday’s lil’, lil’ harvest.
We’ve gathered a small bowlful of Everbearing strawberries, too. Overall, we were pleasantly surprised with our first year of gardening! We planted these itty-bitty plants in all of the beds, tended to them with a little bit of love and care, and they grew! And produced! It has definitely encouraged us to keep on gardening, and expand our plans. It’s been a downright exciting experience, and has reaped very fulfilling rewards. ; )
Next up in The Homestead, we’ll be heading inside the house for awhile. Hope you can join us!