Just a handful of our garden vegetable photos, to share with you, today!

Look how CUTE!!

These turned red rapidly after this photo.

Look at all of the tomatoes in there!! YAHOOO!

A treat, right off the vine!

‘Last Saturday’s lil’, lil’ harvest.
We’ve gathered a small bowlful of Everbearing strawberries, too. Overall, we were pleasantly surprised with our first year of gardening! We planted these itty-bitty plants in all of the beds, tended to them with a little bit of love and care, and they grew! And produced! It has definitely encouraged us to keep on gardening, and expand our plans. It’s been a downright exciting experience, and has reaped very fulfilling rewards. ; )
Next up in The Homestead, we’ll be heading inside the house for awhile. Hope you can join us!

Wow! Now THAT is the way to grow tomatoes! Good job! I am so glad the first year of gardening is going well. We have a topsy turvey with 2 plants hanging off of a hook on our fence and it is doing ok. Hopefully we’ll have a more landscaped backyard next spring/summer and can have an arrangement for planting similar to yours.
Happy harvesting!
Beautiful…love the rainbow of tomatoes! Kids and dirt and growing their own food, perfect! Kim
Gardening and homeschooling go hand-in-hand, don’t they?!