This special day is actually from back on October 25, when {A} released her last frog. Festivities, other events, and work sort of prevented this from being posted about in a timely manner. Nonetheless, we couldn’t let November end, and get into all of the special times that December holds, without sharing this milestone moment with you. Especially if you have been with us from the beginning, with {A}’s ambitious mission to study bullfrogs this year. If you have not, you are welcome to catch up, if interested, with the help of these links in chronological order:
Now just as a little background info, our neighbors, who have a Better Homes and Gardens like yard, created 2 ponds. One was created for fish, but it ended up to be quite the frog haven. The kids had been invited to come visit the frogs whenever they want, and {A} takes full advantage of that invitation. : ) It’s a beautiful little pond, with a large frog statue on a bench, and frog stepping stones. It’s a Frog Paradise!
It even has a waterfall. The sound of the trickling water is probably what beckoned the escaped frogs in that direction.
SO!….The day came in October when she decided it was time to let her last frog go. As I said, some had escaped her observatory months prior, and found their way to the neighbor’s pond. So when it was time to let this last one go, {A} decided it would be the best new home for it. Complete with long lost family!
So first she brought the frog container out of the sanctuary. This very home-made, make-shift pond, was just part of their home. They had the entire sanctuary to hunt and hop around in. (There are lots of crickets, bugs and spiders!)
Then she had to find her (the frog) in the water, because she had hopped off her favorite rock she spent MANY HOURS on. {A} assures us this one is a girl.
Got her!!
Here’s a really good look at one of the beauties {A} raised since she was just a little tadpole.
Like a Mama not wanting to forget the details of their babies, {A} gave her a good last look over. And I photographed even the sweet little foot. Lord knows how big these flippers will grow to be someday!
Possibly their last portrait together.
Eskimo Kisses!!
The long good-bye. (I thought I would step back and give them some privacy for this sad yet proud moment.)…
Letting her go….
Can you see her?
Home Sweet Home!
{A} thinks they’ll winter well here because of all of the mud at the bottom, and she’ll see them all again in spring. It was a very rewarding and educational experience to catch all of these amphibians back at the break of spring, feeding and caring for them, and recording their metamorphosis. It’s also nice to have such a fancy new home to be able to release them to, so close by.
We hope you enjoyed {A}’s frog adventures and updates along the way. I’ve already heard she has big plans for this coming spring once again. I know she misses her wild creatures throughout the winter months, but the winter season holds traditions, adventures and experiences of their own, that she enjoys so very much, and I am sure it’ll pass the time quickly enough until the earth springs anew with fresh life, and her little creatures wake up once again.
We’ve been very busy preparing hearth, home, and hearts for the Christmas season upon us! Lots of decorating, creating and gift making going on here, of which we’ll share what we can. As tomorrow brings us the first day of December, visit us often to see what we’ve been up to, and feel free to comment to say hello or share your thoughts or experiences with us.

Please leave your thoughts with us!