Meet Brittany. Brittany already graduated from high school this past spring.
Brittany called me too late to book in time to get a year book photo from me too, but she didn’t care. She really just wanted to work with me, to get a collection of photos of her as a senior, (so important, I can’t say it enough…), and didn’t care when or how I could fit her in!
Well…..O.K.! That works for me!
These are the kind of people I love to work with. The ones who want to hire me for my style of work. So I made it work for her, and we actually worked together for 3 photo shoots, over the period of 3 seasons!
She wanted my Senior Story Package, which is basically 3 locations, lots of clothing changes, the works. We used a some urban locations, my studio, and a beautiful horse farm she had access too! (It was a dream, shooting at the horse farm.)
She had a LOT of photos, from all locations, in the end. Too many. This is only a small handful I am sharing with you.
These 2 above, may just be my favorite senior shots of the whole season. I think she is stunning. Brittany was very interesting to work with, because she often had a very, very commercial feel to her. Through my eyes, anyway. Can’t you see these shots some Sears or JC Penney catalog, or something?
Maybe it’s me.
But another interesting thing about her, was that she was quite like a chameleon. In different shots, when I angled her differently, or I let the light fall on her differently, she could look like a totally different (beautiful) girl.
These boots of hers…..they have history. That’s all I need to hear. (Well, actually I like to hear the whole story. lol)
I love it when my subjects include meaningful things to them. It inspires me to be creative and fun.
Is anyone else singing “These Boots Are Made For Walkin’ ” now?
I started singing it, while I was shooting it. I do, every time I see this shot.
It stuck.
Look at those eyes.
I love this head shot. This is her ‘natural hair’, Folks.
Oh what I wouldn’t do, to have it.
She does all kinds of things with her hair, as you’ll see in the upcoming shots. But, if I had her hair, I would wear it like this every single day.
O.K., maybe on hot and humid days like today, I’d put it up in a clippy sometimes.
But only if I was suffering from the heat.
In these above and below, she reminds me of some super model….Stephanie Seymore, or someone like that?
I don’t know. I don’t know much about the models out there, but she looks awfully familiar, as in she really reminds me of someone commercial.
If you know who, help me out here, People!
These things keep me awake at night.
She definitely wanted some black and whites.
That made me happy. I love doing black and white too.
Mixing it up makes me happy.
I love worn and ripped jeans. I always have.
The real ones, that came to be from actually wearing them.
Not the silly faux kind you could find in stores, and still can today.
I can tell the difference. You can’t fool me.
My own ripped jeans drove my mother CrAzY. She thought I looked like ‘a bum’.
They were comfortable, and I thought they looked pretty cool too.
I’m an artist, through and through. Conservative in many ways, but I somehow still shock people today.
By accident, of course.
Brittany is an artist too. She can really draw and paint well!
And she wears ripped, worn jeans.
I understand you, Brittany.
Here we are, at the horse farm
She’s a bare-faced beauty, isn’t she?
I got so many beautiful shots, with the horses in the background too.
But really….there were just too many shots to share.
And how many would you really want to see, anyway?
But you get the idea.
I love to work with seniors. Not just to take their photos, but for the opportunity to talk with them. It truly is an opportunity, ; ), and I always feel honored, when they open up to me. When they share more of who they are inside, and listen some too. It’s good.
I always feel a little bit, like God sent them to me, to photograph, for a reason. I am mindful of that, in conversation and photographing. Sometimes, it turns out to be a big job, beyond business. Yet in many ways, it’s always personal to me.
It’s a special place these kids are at…..graduating from high school.
They are on the brink of chasing their dreams, or going out into the world, to find out what they are. They are who they are, at this age. There are countless factors, that formed their unique selves as they are at this stage in their life. It’s important to to capture this time, in detail.
Because only then, can they ever look back, and see how they have grown. They have so much growing to do ahead of them, in many ways, as their spirit unfolds. As they approach adulthood. It’s a beautiful journey ahead of them, full of more learning, through life, and God’s path set for them. This I know. I’m excited for them. And happy to have had the opportunity, to freeze this youthful year for them, that is filled with so many special memories they’ll want to remember.
I hope you enjoyed seeing these.
We have lots coming up around here, including more Give-Aways! I also have the sweetest newborn blessing I can share with you right here, soon.

You know, by this morning I had gotten that song our of my head again. Till you, Paula. ; ) lol
You are right though…many graduates don’t have any clue what they want in life yet. Most are still 17. I was. That’s why I say they are on the brink, or going out to find out what they are. It’s a process for sure. As we all know, some figure out what they want to do, well into the wrong career for them. lol. Personally, I think what we are meant to do, best reveals itself with the development of faith. When we start hearing God better, in our hearts, we know better where we are going, and why.
You are going to love the newborn photos coming. Can’t wait to share the little beauty.
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you. Are you ready boots? Start walkin’!
I love that song.
I agree with some of your comments about graduating high school. Yes, they are on the brink, but many are still 18 and haven’t started to dream yet. I think it happens more in the early twenties. Of course, I’m not there YET so don’t listen to me.
Patiently waiting for newborn pictures….