I’m so glad you are paying a visit today to one of my favorite places in the world to be: my art studio.
I’m going to chat a bit about watercolor painting, and show you some fun pieces I did.
Not too long ago, I invested in more art supplies, some of which are shown above. Supplies such as professional-grade watercolor paints, some high-quality brushes, and some blocks of top-notch watercolor paper.
I promised myself that this year (2018) I would start spending very regular time working (creating) in my art studio again, for me, much like I did when I was in my 20’s. I’ve had the same intentions before, but I never managed to balance my time and other obligations, to really get up there very consistantly. Even though inside, I had badly felt the need to.
Well, this year I have really been really doing it! I go up and work up there almost every day, even if I only have a little bit of time.
And I’ll tell you what . . . . it fills that ‘thing’ in me, that needs filling. Almost as much as my faith does for me. It settles my soul, fills my heart, and sometimes even gets my head straight. Well, the last one is a little trickier, it seems. But, I try to think of nothing else but whatever it is I am working on. Because I’ll tell you what . . . . I have one of those brains that never stops, and it could really use the rest, anytime I can get it. I have to say that many times I pray while I work, too. If I’m not singing along with Pandora, that is. (Which is usually the case.) But neither of those things are the kind of thinking I can’t shut off, and the kind that I get so darn tired of doing.
So anyway, one medium I have always loved working in, and I have been dying to get back to, is watercolor painting. Thus, new supplies. Because I intend to really develop my skills in watercolor, over the many coming years. (Provided I live many coming years.) I have much to work on. I do clearly see myself in the future, as an old lady, drawing and painting in her art studio. So hopefully that is a good sign, eh? Anyway, while I am working on my watercolor skills, I decided I will just do small paintings for awhile. When I am feeling a lot more confident, and I’ve mastered some things, I’ll go bigger.
The blocks of watercolor paper I bought are 9″ x 12″, because I felt that was a good size to start working again with. No larger than that, anyway.
Arches, 300#, cold-press.
Ok, I’m ready to share with you a couple of my watercolor paintings.
To begin, you may have seen this rough sketch I did of chicks on our social media accounts (Facebook Page or InstaGram), where I said I would show you the finished painting when it’s done.
I know . . . . their eyes do look a bit scary, not colored in, huh?
I got painting the chicks a little bit each day, as time allowed.
At first I was not very happy with how they were coming out, but the more I worked on them, the more I got them to look closer to what I was going for.
It was a process, but the process is what is so much fun, about painting.
Honestly though, once the 4 chicks themselves were done, the painting sat up there in the studio for days, because . . . . I was terrified of putting in the background!
I went up there and fiddled around a bit a few times, until finally, I decided I was going to go up and and not come down until it was done.
I did take a photo first though, in case I was about to ruin it! Lol. But in the end, I’m fairly pleased with how it came out, with the background.
Take a look for yourself and see what your impression is . . . .
Cute-ish? They were fun to paint, anyway. I was trying to come up with a clever title for this painting, but all I can come up with is ‘Four Little Chicks’.
I asked Michael if he had any ideas, and he suggested, ‘Sugarless Peeps‘! ROFL!! Ummm, no.
Do you have any good titles for me?
I think I am going to put the chicks painting in a white, wooden distressed frame, and lean it against the wall on our Easter to Spring mantel.
If you follow our Facebook Page, you may have been one of the first to see this other painting I did recently . . . .
‘Split Apple‘.
I am enjoying myself more than ever, making messes and and learning as I go, spending so much care-free time in my art studio again. It just feels like what I should be doing, and where I should be, when life allows.
Thanks again for visiting, and I do hope you come to my art studio again sometime, soon. I have so many ideas in my head, so I’ll work on having more to share with you soon.
Feel free to scroll down a bit leave your thoughts! I’ll even take your gentle critiques. This is how we grow, no?

You are amazing and so talented!! So glad you’re making time to do what you love and are so gifted with. The little chics are adorable and you could call them “My little peeps” or “My little chickadees “It doesn’t matter what you call them because they are too cute to matter. 🙂
Thank you, my friend. 🙂 I really like ‘My Little Peeps’! Someone else made the correlation that the chicks represented my kids, so ‘My Little Peeps’ is pretty fitting! You also gave me a sweet memory….my father used to call me and my sister “My little chickadee’. I forgot about that.
Thank you so much for clicking on over and taking a look at some of my work.
XOXO Laura / House of Joyful Noise blog
How about “I’ve finally got all my chicks in a row” ? LOL
It’s beautiful
Cute idea for a title, Amber! Thanks, and for the visit and comment, also. 🙂
Laura / House of Joyful Noise blog
Came out great! I thought you’d do different colors like the chicks you hatched one year. 😂 Glad you’re enjoying “you” time. Shut
that mind off. It must be a Heath/Lacroix thing.
Thank you, Kim! <3 Good guess there, but I'm not sure I would have been able to pull that off, without really confusing people. Some people didn't believe it seeing the REAL colored chicks, and others were mad as the dickens. But most loved the harmless experiment, like us. I really am enjoying my time in the art studio - thank you. And YES, it MUST be. 😉 XOXO