So {A} expressed her wishes in her last post, that she hoped we would blog about our wonderful, unexpected, fill-our-hearts with joy, early Christmas gift. And since I took photos, why not!?
After Mass on Sunday, Fr. Bob Reed, who is Director of CatholicTV, and who also helps out with Masses at our parish, asked us to stay after Mass as he had something for us. Once we all went outside, he proceeded to transport a huge wrapped gift from his trunk, to our van! We were so confused. He said it was an early Christmas gift for us from himself and everyone at CatholicTV. Now, as many of you may know, we willingly let them film our family for a new series on Catholic families, for their TV station. We were the first family to do this, so maybe that is why they have expressed their gratitude many times, which was enough for us!! But here, we had this gift from them.
I asked if we should wait until Christmas to open it, but he said “Oh no!! Open it TODAY!!”. Now our plans were to go shopping from there but……you can bet those plans got a little rearranged. We went home first to open the gift.
Now, we are thankful for anything. Or nothing. From anyone. But as I looked at this box, I had an inkling. Or maybe it was wishful thinking. It my heart, I was a little bit hoping and praying, that it was just what it turned out to be. Hold on.
So here are the kids waiting to open it. Daddy was in the other room doing something, or something. I forget. But we were waiting. And wondering. Hmmmm.
Then we let them tear it open, which took all of 1/2 second.
Next, Daddy had to open the stapled box, and carefully cut the tape of the styrofoam box as well. Clearly it was something breakable. (That was a good sign to me!! lol)
He lifted off the cover, and though each piece was wrapped in plastic, it was clear enough that my little prayer had come true. The kids cheered! Can you tell what it is??
Here is a better look. The beauty of each piece is just……….
I can’t tell you how HAPPY this gift made us. So how did I have an inkling of what it was?? Many weeks ago, when that man from Bethlehem was selling religious wood goods at our parish, I told Fr. Reed how we need to get a nativity set, and soon. I told him we’ve never really had one, except for the Fisher Price Little People set our little ones had. He then mentioned a place he knew that made beautiful sets, but then told me to be sure we didn’t get one. Now WHY would a priest tell you not to get a nativity set? I was just about to ask him where he recommended, since he said he knew of a great place.
We even used that Little People Nativity Set last year, even though our youngest ones were 5 years old and a little old for it! We figured, hey, it was better than nothing. The thing is, our home was always too small before, and lacked a good display area for a nativity set. We couldn’t really afford one, anyway. Later, we added on and had more space, but then with 3 toddlers thrashing about the house, I didn’t want anything get get broken, IF we had one. But it was definitely time, to have a REAL one. Michael and I have wanted one ever since we’ve owned a home, and it was always sadly put off, for one reason or another. A nativity set IS what Christmas is, and we wanted it to be part of our home, for every Christmas season from now on.
But to receive such a BEAUTIFUL set, as a GIFT, from Fr. Reed (whom we adore), and CatholicTV, just adds sentiment to this set, that we will always treasure. The children will always remember how, when, where, we got it, and it just makes it that more special. It’ll be a family treasure, for many, many generations to come.
Michael will be building a stable that is just right, to accommodate our new Nativity set. We are all very excited to set it up in a place of honor. I’ll be sure to take and share photos.
To Fr. Reed (if you’re reading) and Catholic TV — THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts, from our whole family here “at #19”. Your beautiful, thoughtful, amazing gift will never go unappreciated, and will always mean more to us than you will ever know.
And here is the STAR of the show! The very reason we celebrate every Christmas…..

What a beautiful and thoughtful gift! I cant wait to see it all displayed! I LOVE THE CHRISTMAS season!