It’s Friday afternoon, and a beautiful summer-like day. I was doing some stuff around the house, with all of the windows open, and the kids were all playing outside, when I hear {JM}, “WOW! I just found a really BIG dragonfly! Guys, come look!”. I was chuckling at how loud he was yelling, with such enthusiasm, and wondered if the whole town might come running. I slipped on my flip-flops, sauntered out there, and saw Michael was already at the site of said-dragonfly. He said to me as I headed over, “You didn’t bring your camera?” My plan was to judge for myself, if it was camera-worthy. ; )
I took one glance, and…..Yup! It was!! I went and got the camera, hoping it wouldn’t fly away before I got back.
{JM} found it on the tree, just like this…..
It looked like it had no intention of moving, any time soon. It was huge. But I knew you wouldn’t be able to tell the scale of it, in a photo of it, on a tree.
So Michael put his big man-hand beside it….
It was 6 inches, easy, head to tail.
After I got those shots, Michael was dying to get it on his hand. He managed to very gently….
Just LOOK at the size of that thing!! It did flutter it’s wings momentarily, and it honestly sounded like a bird’s wings flapping.
Maybe it’s common, but we’ve never seen anything like it, in our lives. Have any of you New England folks ever seen one like this? Do they grow this big in other states?
If you know what kind it is, or even have a guess, please let us know!
We’ve been trying to research it, and figure out what the species is. But I haven’t yet been able to find a photo that matches it. We’d love to learn more about it.
Is it possible to have a ‘dragonfly hive’ in your yard, like some have bee hives?
THAT would be so cool, huh?
One thing is for sure: God’s work never ceases to amaze us.
BTW, yes, Michael has been painting, among 100 other projects we’ll be sharing with you soon enough.
Thanks for dropping by, and sharing in our marveling at the wonders of nature!

Dragonflies (and damselflies) are great! They eat tons of mosquitoes 😉 But sorry, I don’t know what type that one is. Beautiful and HUGE!
I’ve seen lots of dragonflies here in Missouri. They’re often flying around rivers and lakes. Some have BEAUTIFUL colors.
I honestly didn’t know they weren’t common everywhere!
I don’t know what kind it is though… I thought a dragonfly was a dragonfly.
Oh well… Enjoy your new pet. 🙂
Sarah!! You made me laugh out loud….and in surprise! Really?? I LOVE dragonflies! Aren’t they different than other insects? I always thought so. ; )
All I can say is ick…he touched it LOL!!!!