I’m about to talk about children’s books, so I can guess right now that this will probably get long.
First of all, can I just tell you how much I have always loved books?? Like…really love books. Picture books especially. I love the smell of them, and the noise that thick plastic cover makes, or the slickness of those big glossy jacket covers. I always have. I recall as a child, the butterflies of excitement I would feel just walking into our town’s or school’s Children’s Library. Just knowing just about anything you wanted to learn about, was possible to find in that room. Shelves upon shelves of books, filled with pages, which were filled with words, that when read, could take you to places you’ve never dreamed, or never even heard of, or may or may not ever want to go! In the pages of the most well written books, are where imaginations are poked and put into high gear. And oohhh……the illustrations! As a little budding artist, the pictures were almost the best part to me.
Now, I have developed a little germ-a- phobia of library books over the years,,,,as I am a little germ-a-phobic. Of many things, that make perfect sense to be germ-y. : ) Not irrationally so. I just really feel the need to wash my hands right away, and thankfully, so do my kids!
To feed the fire for my love of books, was my beloved Godmother — a 1st grade teacher for a ridiculous amount of years. When she retired, her former students from all over the country (in college, with their own families, etc) came back, or sent notes and gifts, thanking her for the love and beliefs in themselves that she had planted in their hearts as their 1st grade teacher. She was never forgotten by any student who was ever blessed enough to land in her classroom. Truly…she is a remarkable woman, with deep seated faith, a passion for teaching, and a such a gentle and patient way with children. She truly lived her vocation a a teacher. So she was a big part of giving me such a love for books, but also truly fed the fire of my faith from a very young age….through ALL of my stages…with her powerful examples of living, her gentle words of guidance, and always unconditional love. Anyway….I have such a vivid memory of being at her home as a high-schooler one day, when our discussion led her to the discovery that I had never read The Velveteen Rabbit. WELL……she could NOT let that be. She quickly disappeared into the other room, to her vast collection of children’s books, and pulled that storybook from the shelves. She ushered me right to her kitchen table, handed me that large storybook, and instructed me to sit down and read it, and not get up until I was done. And there I sat…..16 years old, reading The Velveteen Rabbit. It’s one of my children’s favorite stories now too. Of course the memory attached to the story must play a part too.
When my first daughter was born, my urge to buy every picture book I picked up and loved, kicked in. I gave in quite a bit too, but tried to look in the discount book stores the most, knowing how weak I was around such things. She and I cuddled and read a lot, and she became a book lover at a very young age, and to this day spends oodles and oodles of time, reading. My next 3 children became huge book lovers much the same way, and just sitting for hours surrounded by piles of books. Or, sometimes, all sitting on me, under me, and around me…as we all huddled and cuddled together enjoying a good story. (Oh how I love that!) Now that they are reading, they love books even more! As so many of you mothers know, there isn’t anything much sweeter than hearing your little child read a book, in those little voices that are so familiar to our hearts. But for home schooling mothers, it has to be just a tad sweeter. As a Mama of 3 kindergartners I am very blessed quite a few times a day, to hear 3 little voices reading different books, from there own little places in the house. Sometimes too, they take turns reading to each other, or help each other on a word someone is stuck on. Boy does all of it tug on my heart strings!
So all of this backstory leads to a point. Imagine our EXCITEMENT when I discovered that a wonderful woman, homeschooling mother and author of A Picture Perfect Childhood, named Cay Gibson, decided to organize a way to feature, study and celebrate one children’s author a month. It’s called an Author Fiesta! During that month, we find as many books by that author as we’d like, and read them to, or with our children, or even let them read them on their own. Cay also will be providing wonderful printables for each author, so the kids each have their own 3 ring binder. Should I tell you how ECSTATIC the kids are to have their own notebook to keep their stuff in?? It has a cover of the beautiful bookworm too. I’m even thrilled to have my own notebook. lol. Our little ones will each have a list of the books they’ve read, they’ll be doing some copywork from the printables as well as whatever books they choose, drawings they’ve done based on the stories, and life-aiding quotes to learn. {A} will be studying the author’s works, writing author research papers, and anything else creative she would like to add to her notebook. I asked all of the kids if this was something they’d like to do together and all 4 were all for it and couldn’t wait to get started! In think there will be a new author featured every month for a year, but can be done at your very own pace. In the end, the kids will have a very informative collection of various children authors for keeping, treasuring as their own childhood work, and perhaps as a reference to use for great books to enjoy one day with their own children. (But we won’t go there now. I’m just saying. lol)
The kids have all been loving this book journey so far. Any time is a good time for another story you know! It isn’t anything we HAVE to do, and we can take or leave anything we want to along the way. This is just another thing we consider FUN, that happens to be so educational. And did I say, FUN?!
So the first month of May featured the child author Patricia Polacco. We’ve discovered she writes from the heart, in a way that really reaches her readers hearts and minds as well. Her works are based true stories, sprinkled with lots of fun imagination, based on her own family members, or other people she knows. Each story is very interesting. We have really loved the ones we have read so far. Below are just some of the titles we have at the moment.
I was not familiar with this author before. So the very first book we happened to grab and read (almost as soon as we got home from the library) was The Lemonade Club.
OH MY!! Maybe not the best one to start off with. Very, very good, but very sad. It’s about 2 little girls who are very good friends, and one gets Leukemia. Very touching and it did lead to wonderful discussion with the kids. It ends well, and there are beautiful life lessons to take from the it, including the gift of friendship, expressions of compassion and support, the celebration of life itself, and the encouragement to make lemonade, when life hands you lemons. But there was a point in the story where the knot in my throat was so tight, as the tears spilled over my eyelids, that I couldn’t get the next word out. My children were very patient while I gained my composure.
The kids and I talked openly after about how sometimes people get sick, and how we get through these things. (With our faith in God’s greater plan, prayers, support of family and friends, etc.) I love that they are able to learn about these things, with ME (or us), so I have the opportunity to help them sort their questions and fears. My youngest daughter is the most inquisitive of them all, and likes to truly ponder and absorb these things thoroughly. So she spent some extra time with the book.
We’ve read quite a few titles by now. I’ve read a few to them, and {A} has always loved reading to them as well, so she took it upon herself to do that. I’ll be blogging more about them. None have been nearly as sad, but all very entertaining and very well written, filled with wonderful life lessons and messages for the children, and us! And naturally, amazing illustrations grace the pages. What I admire so much about Patricia Polacco too, is that not only does she write the story, but she also illustrates of all her own books as well! What gifts God has given her to be so talented, and reach the hearts and minds of so many children through her work!
It won’t be long before June’s author is announced, but we’re in no rush. We were late in the game joining, but are enjoying the ride at our own pace. I am sure I will blog about this book or that as I am inspired, and keep you updated on this wonderful journey of our Author Fiesta!
Have you read a good book today?? : )

I was recently reminiscing about how my brothers and I used to go to the library and I would come home with a pile of books. Then I would read late at night, under my covers with a flashlight. I was suppose to be asleep. I don’t read so much anymore.
Thanks for the warning about Pink and Say, Jen! That’s in our ‘to still read’ pile, but I think we’ll skip it then. Or maybe I’ll read it on my own, with a tissue box nearby. No need to bombard the kids with THOSE tough kinds of lessons all in one week!
I hope you, H and O join us in our Fiesta celebration!
Oh, Patricia Pollaco! She is amazing isn’t she? I haven’t read the “The Lemonade Stand” yet. In case you haven’t read “Pink & Say” yet, I feel I should warn you that it is another tear jerker. We read this one in a teacher education course way back when and the entire class (men included) were crying their eyes out. It is set during the Civil War and touches on some very sad and deep topics.
I am off to check out Cay’s Author Fiesta! Thanks for the heads up. Oh, and I LOVE that last image of the four kids!