Whenever the kids have been playing outdoors while I work, I am always eventually bound to hear this:
<door open>,<door slam>, <little footsteps> and “Ma-maaaaa, I have something for youuuuuu.” And into my work cubby pops a fistful of….weeds. “I picked these flowers for you, ” they say.
And I always say:
“Awwwww! For MEEEE? How sweet! Thank you so much! <kiss, kiss, kiss>. “Can you do me a favor, Honey, and put them on the deck for me?”. And they say, “Sure!“. And they run off to do it.
(And then I say, “Don’t run in the house please!“)
Because the truth is, if I just took them, I would have vases of weeds all over my house. And secretly, I’m a little concerned there are bug eggs on them, that will hatch a mother-load of insects into my house. Still, they mean a lot to me, because of the place/little person they came from, and the sentiment they came with. So I when I go outside and find them on the deck, I do look at them and hold them again. And which ever little ‘giver of the weeds’ will say, “Mama, remember I gave those to you the other day?” And I’ll tell them I remember, and they’ll smile.
But yesterday, I wanted to do more with them. And I felt the need to get away from the overwhelming load of work at my computer, anyway. So I went searching for a big jug or suitable container to put my ‘flowers in’. I filled it with water, arranged my beloved weeds just so, and placed the whole thing on my deck by my front door.
I once had an art teacher who always gave the advice of, or commented on a design, by saying, “Simple…yet effective!“
That phrase has really stuck with me. There are so many little touches we can add to our homes, that cost nothing, but work. Or at least work for US.
So yes….someone MAY come up to our door, and think, “Why in the world is this vase of weeds by the door like this?”
But that’s not what I see.
I see LOVE.
Simple Love.
And it Effects me.
My kids tell me they love me every day, and they show me in many ways, too.
But it’s the little signs of love from the kids, that I find here and there about the house, but wasn’t expecting, that put the warmth in our home, our family, and my heart, that I love the most.
Simple…..yet effective.

Perfect little sign. ๐ Makes me smile. I love the idea of the “flower” jar too. I get so many dandelions and other “flowers” from Max and I don’t have the perfect place for them all. This will make me think on it so I have something in place for next spring.
I love it!! They are so innocent and honest and love so unconditionally.
Kids are just the best…I will miss the weeds someday, Kim
Ahh, that’s so sweet!