Awhile back, my sister-in-law messaged me asking if we might have any use for some horseshoes. She lives out in Arizona, and found a bunch on her property from some horses they had boarded. She thought maybe we could use them for some creative project or other.
She even sent a quick photo of them . . . . . .
I thought it was really nice of her to think of us, and offer them. I said “Sure!”, of course. Although I really had no idea what I’d do with them. I loved the idea of creatively using horseshoes for something, but nothing was coming to mind. The HEAVY package arrived, and I took a look at them. And then I put them back in the package, and it sat under my desk in view, reminding me every day to brainstorm about it. Still . . . . . . nothing popped in my head. So then I Googled, and looked on Pinterest, hoping to find some inspiration, or even an idea I really liked. I did find lots of ideas, but none of them struck me.
And then one day, I had an idea, and [Read more…]