Sharing in this post here, just some of Michael’s vehicle lettering and graphics work for his Michael P. Richard Truck Lettering, Etc., clients from within the past several months.
While most of his work is commercial jobs for small and large businesses require standard and conservative lettering jobs on their vehicles, once in awhile he gets a cool job a client wants just for their personal vehicles, and he has the fun of designing something more out of the box. This XTERRA below was such a case, and he enjoyed getting a little more free-style with it. I think it came out rather cool. Take a look-see for yourself:
How would you like to drive that bad boy around town?
With the 4 door/extended cab trucks being a popular vehicle for tradesman, Michael has been making use of the extra space for their business branding, as seen in the next couple of trucks, as opposed to keeping it all confined to the front door.
I say, bigger is better, when it comes to company branding.
Here below is a more standard can truck lettering job, with front door lettering only.
Still sharp looking, and eye catching though, with the black & white on red.
Earthshaping. I like that word!
Burkhardt Brothers…….Michael’s Dad lettered this company’s fleet of 40 foot trailers and box trucks for many, many, MANY years. But guess what? HE lettered it all IN PAINT, BY HAND! Michael helped for a few years, with his father. It’s Michael’s account now, but it is done in all cut vinyl these days. A whole lot faster for sure. But more impressive execution, back in the day. Think about it. Those capital B’s on a trailer are like 30 inches tall!
I miss that man. <sigh>
This is Michael’s brother-in-law’s roofing company. Michael does all of his vehicle and sign work of course.
Michael’s father designed the logo. I think its super sleek, and extra-so in gold.
This a trailer for a la crosse team, all in vinyl. Michael did this in our driveway. The kids love to watch him work, and help sometimes, too.
These next 2 jobs are vehicle wraps. Have you noticed them around? It’s basically a very large one piece vinyl print, that is shrink-wrapped onto the vehicle.
Here just the bed of the truck is wrapped.
Here, the entire trailer was done.
Wrapping takes some real practice and skill to apply, for sure.
But I think it is eye-catching, and effective marketing/branding for one’s business.
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of Michael’s latest work.
We just wanted to share some of it with you. Let him know what you think of this or that, in the comments! He’ll be glad to read your feedback.

How can I get in touch with Michael for more info ??
Hi Jodi,
You can email Michael at
Nice photos and lettering, I like the white APZ Landscape F-250 and the Xterra most of all.
Impressive! I can’t believe his dad did those trailers by hand…amazing artistry~!
Those are so cool. If I ever need a sign on my van Michael would be the man! I love the vehicle wraps and that lacrosse trailer is very cool. I wish our marching band had its own trailer.
He. Is. So. Talented.
Very nice on that XTerra!