Love Is…..A Giveaway!!
To give a little LOVE back to you all, we thought it was high time for some giveaways! Anyone up for that?
First up, we’d love to giveaway this faux-vintage decoupaged metal set, of a watering can, and a little container.
It could be a lovely touch, for your home decor.
It’s not much, but the set is rather sweet! Shabby-chic-ish!
One detail I really love, is the message on the side of the container:
(Family) Where the seeds of character are planted.(Home)
Isn’t that the truth.
The container can be used for an indoor plant, a starter plant, a pen and pencil cup, or any little junk!
The watering can would look sweet in a little girl’s room.
It’s not perfectly made. It’s on the rustic side.
It’s imperfections are, to me, what gives our little treasures character.
You can try to win this Giveaway for yourself, for your daughter, for a friend, or as a gift you may re-give come Christmas. (We’ll never tell a soul. ; )
Since we are always trying to get to know our blog visitors a little better, we thought it would be fun to share a little, in the comments. Since the theme as of late, is LOVE, here’s how you can qualify to WIN this faux-vintage set, delivered right to your door for NADA!:
Please share at least 10 things that you really love. Things that share with us and the readers, a little bit about what makes you, YOU. Not “Oh, I love my kids…..”etc.,…..after all, if you don’t love your kids……..well, we just sure hope you do.
The Giveaway will end Monday night, the 22nd of February. We’ll announce the winner sometime on Tuesday, via the Random dot org number puller.
So…..we’ll go first!
(Just so you know, my kids helped me compile my list, and you can do the same. Sometimes others can do a better job pointing out these things, than we can of ourselves. After all, if they shout it out at you like it’s a good one, it’s probably a consistently obvious thing they can tell tickles your fancy.) So, here we go….in no particular order! :
- photography
- Mass/praying
- snowstorms
- first coffee of the day
- antiques/old imperfect things
- my kid’s love for learning
- my kid’s artwork
- Teri (lol)
- trees in autumn
- scarves
- homeschooling
- my home
- blogging
- fishing
- muscle cars
- outdoors
- my home
- music from 60-70’s
- coffee
- cake
- home-made pizza
- my work
- a good homily
- helping others
- free stuff!!
We look forward to reading your own lists!!
Good luck to you all!

So glad to hear it, Wendy!! I love that your little girl was so excited! That really makes us smile, ear to ear. HaPpY SpRiNg to you all!!
The watering can arrived on Saturday. My 4 year old made all kinds of “Joyful Noises.” She just couldn’t believe that a package arrived for her. She impatiently waited for an added layer of modge podge to dry so that she can use it in the garden if the snow ever melts. We’ll have to use it in the studio until then. Thanks so much.
What a great idea! I will say it’s hard to narrow down your top 10 loves…but I will try!
1. My quiet time with the Lord.
2. My daughters uncontrollable giggles.
3. The smell of my husband when he kisses me goodbye.
4. Chewy chocolate chip cookies…mine that is!
5. Strolling along West Okoboji beach
6. When my 4 year old son wants nothing but to hold my hand.
7. A nice glass of Moscato and cheesecake 🙂
8. A SUPER hot shower!
9. The way I feel after a really hard workout.
10. When my daughter looks at me and say’s “i love you too” before I even say “i love you!” gets me everytime!
I love your blog! Wow!
Ok I guess that is #1 so then
2. kissing and smelling the back of my baby’s neck
3. reading with my children
4. reading with myself 🙂
5. writing
6. fresh blank paper & a pencil or paintbrush
7. yarn
8. the smell in the air after a spring rain
9. blue
10. warm chocolate chip cookies
My girls would love the watering can set since they have just started a new vegetable garden and have already planted some seeds. Things Blair loves:
1. My family
2. My Church
3. My homeschool group
4. My home
5. Blogging
6. Double stuff oreos
7. Vacations
8. The beach
9. Dancing
10. Watching The Office with hubby 🙂
You love me! You really, really love me!
Ok, here’s my list although I’m disqualifying myself from the contest since I’m sort of an employee LOL
1. Laura and her X’s and O’s
2. Being called Aunt TT
3. Werther’s
4. Mashed potatoes and gravy
5. TiVo
6. Captain Jack Sparrow
7. Levis
8. Movies with dancing, especially Latin style dancing
9. Red Bull
10. My fluffy puppy, Big
can’t stop…
11. My Suburban
12. Romance novels (not Harlequin)
13. The number 13 (was ALWAYS my jersey number)
My husband’s cooking
Garden fresh vegetables(which my 4 year old adores watering with a watering can)
bike rides (go away snow)
long hot bubble baths
waking up before the alarm
newborn smiles
cheering at my kids’ soccer games
reading blogs
knifty knitting with my 9 year old son
Of course I’d bite on doing this…………..
1. My kids being snuggled in tight at night all safe and sound
2. Concerts with my hubby
3. Dogs
4. Swimming
5. Playing yahtzee with family (NOT Pictionary) lol
6. My parents living behind me and seeing them daily
7. Mass with Fr. Touee
8. General Hospital and Modern Family (with hubby)
9. Rainbows
10. Everything about Halloween
Ten things I love? I’ll try….
1. The feeling I have after going to Confession
2. Getting up at 5 a.m. for some “me” time
3. Homeschooling
4. Organizing
5. Books
6. Decorating with fall colors
7. Online friends
8. My mistakes
9. Snuggling with my kids while watching The Office
10. Living in the country
Okay, I feel weird entering but what the heck! I love that shabby chic set! Okay so here goes….
Shelly loves;
1. creating/sewing/crafting
2. the smell of my children after they bathe
3. being silly with my family
4. red wine & coffee (not in that order necessarily!)
5. snuggling & hugs
6. shoes & getting dressed up
7. family mass at St. Mary’s
8. dancing & music
9. boating & anything to do with the ocean
10. romantic get-a-ways with my hubby!
I think I could go on and on!
I almost forgot….Our Prayer List made by MR!!