Dyeing Easter eggs is one of our family’s favorite creative Easter activities. (And photographing the process, is also one of mine.) But every year, dyeing hard-boiled eggs causes us personal dilemmas. For one, there is the question of how soon, is too soon, to dye eggs. Then we are afraid to put them in the fridge, knowing condensation will likely form on our artwork, when we take them out on Easter day. Of course, we are always sad to crack and peel our hard work off, and then we’re a little leery of eating them anyway!
So this year we decided…..we’re blowing out the eggs!! It solves all of those dilemmas of ours, and we can save them until next year, for decorating, and collect more and more with each passing year. It was to be our first year blowing eggs out, and we were excited.
Honestly, the kids were killing themselves, blowing them out. Michael had made suitable sized holes, and broke up the yolk in there, so it wouldn’t be difficult. Still….faces were turning red and purple. I could hardly watch. They only did a few. I didn’t want their head to explode, or anyone to get a headache.
I had picked up a few tips from Martha Stewart, that I was excited to try. One was tying lace around some eggs, dyeing them, and hopefully leaving a lace impression on the egg, when the lace was removed. That was the plan, anyhoo.
Lots of photos coming up here. Some of how we dyed the eggs, and many are just photos I was having too much fun taking.
All of these mason jars I had just picked up at an estate sale on Sunday! I knew I’d find lots of uses for them, and I did, the very next day! They are perfect for dyeing eggs!
We had cut some vinyl dots and stripes, to adhere to some of the eggs before dyeing, and to be removed after they were dry.
One of my favorite shots of the day.
The kids always have so much fun choosing colors, and checking their eggs. I love to watch them work, and listen to them chat.
I was very eager to take the lace off some the eggs. But it seemed like they should be fairly dry before I did, being concerned the wetness would run onto the lace impression. I wasn’t sure if that was a good plan or not.
Also another new technique we were trying this year: flat-head pins stuck in foam-core, to dry the eggs on. Worked like a charm! I never liked the mark that is left when resting a drying dyed egg on a flat surface. This leaves no marks!
I started noticing how much I loved the dyed lace! I wondered, should I leave them on?
O.k., I guess leaving this one on, with the little rubber-bands, would just look plain silly. But I still loved the dyed lace.
Our {O}.
I did start removing the lace pieces, and this was the best that came out. Hmmmm.
It’s not what we were expecting. But the effect is interesting and beautiful, anyway.
I especially loved the dyed lace pieces…..
I’ll have to think of a way in which to use, such beautiful pieces.
Some eggs came out nicer than others. But they were just beautiful, all together.
I did end up coming up with a plan, to use the lace pieces. I couldn’t throw them out. You’ll see…I’ll be showing you all more finished eggs, this week. How about a peek around our Easter-time home? That’s coming right up.
Also…..would anyone like a step-by-step photo tutorial on how to thread blown eggs for hanging? I’ve got photos all set to show. We came up with a wicked cool trick, that makes getting the thread through, so easy. We could also share how to blow eggs too, if you are interested in that. Let us know!
Have you been creative lately? Creativity comes in many, many forms. So we’re betting you have.
By the way: GUESS what we had for dinner this night? ; )

I have been absent for a while, but now I remember why I used to love this web site. Thank you,
While I was taking down the Chrstmas decorations, I decided to use my 4ft tree for a Holiday/Season Tree. The house always looks so bare once I take down all the decorations. I’ve already done a Winter tree, Valentine tree, St. Patrick’s tree, so now I will be doing an Easter tree. I’ve already blown some eggs, then I’m going to dye the eggs and let them dry completly, ten I’m going to glue lace, glitter, sequins, little pearls, beads and other things. At this point, there’s no telling what all I will find to put on them.
That’s fantastic, Patty! I agree; the house DOES look bare when the decorations come down. How fun to decorate the tree for every holiday. They all sound lovely, and I bet your Easter one will be beautiful too. Have fun with that, and thanks for coming by and sharing your inspiration. Have a Blessed and Happy Easter!
~Laura/House Of Joyful Noise
They’re all gorgeous! I haven’t dyed Easter eggs in so long, I forgot how beautiful they are
Wow!!! Beautiful photos and children and Easter eggs! lol What kind of camera do you have? Featuring this on Wednesday ~ thanks for linking up!
Gorgeous photos! We did our egg dyeing yesterday and I have to admit I’m a bit cautious when it comes to kids and dye’s! Still, it is one of their favourite activities. Maybe next year we’ll try blowing out the egss so we can keep them longer.
I thought I saw on a Martha web site or magazine that you could put say a leaf on the egg, wrap it in pantyhose and then the dye goes through but the leaf or herb was held in place. Maybe that would have worked for the lace.
Well, I haven’t done much for creativity. But I applied for the Knights of Columbus Catholic High School Scholarship 🙂
I love the lace, too! They all came out beautifully. And I noticed, too, that the trio were all very serious in their work! Happy Early Easter!! xo
We colored eggs this weekend also! I love those jars & I love all the photos but especially the spoon photo. Do your kids give you the big ‘sigh’ when you take your camera out? Mine do. Beautiful kids!
It’s so fun getting creative with eggs, isn’t it, Sharon? (And taking photos! lol.) My kids don;t really mind my camera. It’s been in their face since the day they were born. They know I can’t help myself anyway, and I’m not putting it down until I get the shots I want. lol. I’m just seeing no one is smiling in these photos! They were really focused thinking about what they were doing. Egg dyeing is an all day event around here. Thanks for dropping by, and commenting! Did you link up at the Linky Party? I’ll have to check. : )