We are so excited to introduce you to our chicks!
Many of you know, I have been wanting chickens for a dang – long – time.
It felt like forever, waiting to be able to get them! But that day has finally come.
I have loved every second of the process of learning all about keeping chickens, learning about breeds, picking out which ones we’ll get first, ordering them, and finally, getting them! They are all hens, God-willing, if they were accurately sexed. We don’t feel we have enough property for a crowing rooster, and getting one would be inconsiderate of our neighbors.
I took lots of photos of us getting the chicks, of their set up we’re keeping them in for now, and transitioning them into their temporary home. Their coop is all designed, and about to be built. We plan on sharing more on some or all of that soon.
But for now, we are just eager to introduce you to each one of our chicks!!
So let’s do it!
We have named all of our chicks after towns. Our own town we live in now, as well as other towns that have some kind of significance on varying levels, personally or not. Like babies, the chicks names seem to fit them perfectly already.
Boston is where Michael and I met, both attending art school. It is also where, many years later, our triplets (2 sons and a daughter) were born.
Easter eggers are not really a specific breed.
Check out that face! And note the chipmunk-like markings. It’s hard to say exactly what she’ll end up looking like, but we do know she won’t look like your ordinary chicken. She’ll have muffs and a beard.
Egg color: blue or green eggs, but they can lay eggs in varying pastel Easter colors.
Duxbury is a nearby town that has a reputation for being high-end.
Silver Laced Wyandotts grow to be a very fancy chicken, so it only seemed fitting to name her Duxbury.
This is is much what she’ll look like grown…..
Pretty fancy, huh?
Egg color: brown
Hanover is just another nearby town. We go to a cool teen Mass there sometimes, and our oldest daughter has many friends there.
Our Hanover is a Rhode Island Red. Isn’t her coloring so beautiful?
Egg color: brown
Kingston is a Buff Orpington, and they tend to be big birds. They also tend to be broody, and therefore possibly a bit difficult.
(But I’ve heard not always!) Kingston just seemed to be the most fitting for her.
Egg color: light brown
Pembroke is a black Autralorp, and the town Michael grew up in his whole life, with his family.
Egg color: brown
Plymouth is our town, where we live, and of course, all of America’s home town!
It’s the town where our first child, our daughter, was born.
Plymouth is a White Plymouth Rock. She will be all white. You can see her white feather coming in already in her wings.
Egg color: light to medium brown, sometimes with a tinge of pink.
I grew up in Westfield all of my life, with my parents and 4 siblings. My father and brother still live there.
My brother recommended the Golden Comet Breed, so that is why we named this one Westfield.
Egg color: brown
Weymouth is a Welsummer, and just too cool looking.
Weymouth is the town Michael (husband) was born in.
Egg color: Terracotta
We are so excited to watch them grow from these sweet little chicks, through the awkward pullet age, into beautiful hens! We are certainly enjoying every moment with them already. We are pretty smitten with them already. But don’t worry, we aren’t disillusioned. We know how easy it is to lose a chicken. Once they get outdoors, we’ll be bracing ourselves for the first tragedy. They’ll have a large beautiful coop, and a great big run, but they will be let out to free range daily. While they will be fenced in, hawks fly over head all of the time, and I am sure other things can happen as well. It’s life, and nature, and we’re aware of that.
But for now, we’re happy with our new little feathered crew!
Thanks so much for coming to meet them!
We started from square one when hubby and our son made a diy incubator. We loved the Golden Comet and RIR. We had a rooster Rodney he had a great personality but was very aggressive when it came to his girls. It was fun to watch him call them back to their home when it was dusk.
A friend of ours just adopted French black copper marans. I hear that restaurants pay big bucks for their eggs (that’s not why she chose them though). She’s got a great home for them……..
Good luck and happy learning.
The whole experience was fun. My absolute favorite was Chloe our duck. Good luck………..
Thanks for sharing, Kim. 🙂 We’ve hatched chicks in an incubator we built as well, and kept the chicks until their wings were really feathering out; about the age ours are now. It was a great experience.
I remember Rodney. lol
I definitely want a black copper maran, but they weren’t going to be hatched in the proper time frame with all of the rest so, not this round. They are beautiful too.
Alexis has wanted a duck, and so I looked into getting one for her but, they are way too messy for us. And since isn’t home for long periods of time, and will be off to college soon, we decided against it. They are cool though.
Oh I just love them!! I’m so excited for your family! I look forward to following all of the adventures in chick raising!
Us too, Heidi! We’re having so much fun with them, already, and we are looking forward to so much as they grow.
Thanks for coming to meet them!