I saw this question/quote on a T-Shirt online the other day, and it really cracked me up! It read,
“Can’t we all just color?”
I knew I had to make it into a House Of Joyful Noise Social ShareIt, for you all to grab and share online.
I’m guessing it’s a spin off of the saying, “Can’t we all just get along?” I don’t know for sure.
But I found it funny, because that’s not what it made me think of.
It made me think of all of the days when I had cleaning, or dishes, or laundry, or other more task-orientated things to do.
But all I really wanted to do, was COLOR! Or paint. Or design. Or create something (anything!) fun and exciting and creative.
I do have to set a good example for my four blessings, though. I’m the Mama! Right? So I have my one-liners I remind my kiddos of all of the time, and trust me . . . . they sound really good and convincing, coming out of my mouth. Like:
“First things first, Guys!”
“Work hard, then play hard. That’s our motto!”
When sometimes what I’d really like to say, but can’t, is . . . . . .
Who doesn’t love coloring? Right? Although I have to admit: crayons is not my favorite medium to work with. I don’t think I really rock at coloring with crayons. Especially after I saw my sister-in-laws coloring one time. We were both at the coffee table, (I think with our kids? I can’t be sure. lol. But we were definitely adults.), and I looked over her page, and was like, “Wha-what?”. Her coloring was so awesome. And I thought I was the artist. So then I was like, well, . . . . let’s just say I put my crayon down.
But HEY, one can color with all kinds of other things! And I do!!
So what to do with this, if you love it? On your Facebook, you can share this creation, “Can’t We all Just Color?”, or any other Social ShareIts we have so far, from our Facebook Page’s ‘Social ShareIt’ Album, as soon as it is shared on our Page. On your Pinterest, you can repin from our ‘House Of Joyful Noise Social ShareIts’ Board, when you see it, if you are following us there. (You may consider that an invitation. ; ) OR, you’re welcome to just PIN IT right now from this post! You may notice that if you hover over our pics, a PIN IT button conveniently shows up for you now!
Hope you like our new Social ShareIt! It’s all yours!
Remember to take a little time to color, along your day.
After your work is done, of course. : )

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