The other day, I cleaned the bullfrog-tadpoles habitat and added fresh pond water. They are continuing to grow and develop, although slowly, when you consider that their whole cycle takes 14 months. This big guy below has developed quite the pair of legs since I have had him.(Or her! I am not sure yet.) You can see the front leg bump too!
The picture below shows where the habitat is kept. It is in the window well that has a convenient observatory window from Mama’s studio. I’ve used it as a habitat to observe other reptiles and amphibians over the years, and once there was even a mole in there.
See all those papers? One of them I use to record their growth and behavior in the sun and shade. The rest are guides to caring for my tadpoles. I feed them boiled lettuce and tropical fish food.
This is one of the little ones I have. Doesn’t he camouflage in with the water very well? The water is a little more murky than usual, because the sediment was trying to settle after I changed the water. I have mud in the bottom of the habitat, because the tadpoles like to hide in mud when it is cold out.
I hope you enjoyed this tadpole report!!!

That is one big tadpole! I’m used to seeing th teeny tiny ones.
Cool tadpoles!