You may have seen the plans I drew up earlier, for a bullfrog tadpole breeder. Yes, we did thengo bullfrog tadpole hunting! Some good old homeschooling, nature study, field trip, FUN! We could see into the water well, because of the bright sun. So we started scoopin’ some out right away.
Got another one!
As we caught some, I would put my hand in the net gently, and scoop them out, and put them into the water jar. Our hands were covered in mud! Three of the bullfrog tadpoles looked probably almost a year old, and the rest were kind of small, like they were newer.
My little brothers and sister helped me spot the biggest ones, and said that the smaller ones were ‘fish’.
Here’s a look at one of the bigger bullfrog tadpoles we caught.
And in case you’d like a bit closer of a look!…..
Here’s a couple jar shots with a some of the bullfrog tadpoles all in there. Isn’t the little one cute? Notice how he has a pink belly.
Dad and I made a habitat for them, but Mama didn’t get photos of that. It looks like my plan I had on paper, with pond water, rocks, gravel, dirt and mud, and pond weeds to oxygenate the water. It is all set up in an open below ground level window well we have, which conveniently has a nice observation window for me and the triplets on the inside as well! Over the years, I have raised 3 snakes, 4 toads (‘Ugly’, ‘Stinky’, ‘Yucky’ and ‘Gross’), and one bullfrog named Goliath, in that window well. It’s a nice natural habitat for all kinds of creatures.
I have researched a lot on how to best raise and care for these little aquatic sea-monkeys. : ) I hope to have a wonderful learning experience by being able to observe them daily, and watch them develop into bullfrogs. But if at any point they seem to not be doing well, I am going to release them back to their original home.

This looks like so much fun!
A..i can’t believe you actually held that LARGE tadpole in your hand…i don’t think i could have done that!….i have trouble baiting my fishing hook!!