July always seems to get away from me! I am having deja-vu, about blogging our oldest daughter’s birthday last year, quite after the facts. But, it’s alright really, because these types of family-related blog posts I generally just put together for the sake of our own recorded family history, and if anyone else is interested, so be it. So in brief, here is a glimpse into our day celebrating our oldest child’s birthday.
Her birthday is the 5th, and with the 4th making for a long weekend this year, we had an extra-extra long weekend. All of the typical 4th of July celebrations & activities, and then her birthday too.
Our family’s tradition is to take birthdays as a family day, free of work or schooling. But one of {A}’s wishes for her day this year, was to go to work with her Dad, at his morning part-time job at a local church. He truly enjoys his work there, and the setting is in a real wooded area, making for lots of wild critter stories to tell, when he comes home. So naturally, that is very appealing to her as well, if you know her. ; )
When they got home around noon, I had ready or usual birthday morning tradition: birthday number pancakes. That is usually Michael’s specialty, but since he was not home, I managed. Did you notice the flower and butterfly, made of butter? And the “bee-line’ from the flower to the butterfly, with syrup. : )
Oh, don’t feel bad for her. She ate several more pancakes, after her 14 was gone.
{JM} made this as a surprise at her place setting. And as usual, I was impressed.
{A} loved it too.
A few other surprises:
Football cards, from {JM, O and S}. They were pretty excited to have gotten these for her with their own money, because she collects them. (Along with other collections she has going.)
A couple of cool t-shirts she wanted.
A package from Grandma. She got a purse, a cool pendant, and a gift card to Michael’s Arts & Crafts. We also got her a gift card, to Borders Bookstore. There are a slew of books there she wants badly, and ‘to keep’.
As a family activity, she wanted to go to the movies, to see Mr. Popper’s Penguin’s, with Jim Carey. It was a welcome idea, with the extreme heat and humidity that day! Now, I’m really particular as a parent, as to what movies/television my kids see, but after looking into it, I decided this movie would be fine, and it was. It was more than fine. (However, I was really glad with the decision, to keep them out of the theatreer until the previews were over! That’s another story.). But I have to say, this movie we saw was excellent. We all really, really enjoyed it.
Tacos was her dinner of choice, and then, before it got too dark out, we released our 5 butterflies we hatched.
Then of course, we sang, and had cake.
{A} has had a busier summer than she has ever had, with a temporary summer job, teaching 4th grade CCD for a couple of weeks, sports clinics to gear up for another year of sports (now high school), some schooling on the side, prepping for another new school year ahead, and just some sheer fun & relaxation hanging out with friends. We were happy to take this family day, to celebrate her and her life, and give thanks to God for the blessing she is.
Thanks for coming by.

Nice b-day 🙂 I had to go to situate and play football on mine last Oct. and Geese!!! having to almost brake peoples bones was not my idea of b-day fun! But then we went home and grilled burgers 🙂 ttys
@Josh: Thanks Josh, hope your NEXT birthday is better!
I’m glad it was intentional!
Oh, and by the way?
LOL! Thanks for the song, Paula! Did you make that up yourself? Very clever. ;D
Happy belated birthday, {A}!
Thank you very much Kimberly!
Looks great, but not all the pictures are coming through? Also, there is a picture that is showing the kids names….
Hi Paula. : ) You probably just need to let the photos load, before you scroll.
Yes, I realized about the kid’s names there. That happens a lot, and I’m starting to let it go. I figure, the kids have been on TV twice now, with their names splashed all over. So, maybe it’s a pointless effort now. They are old enough too, to know that just because people know our names, does not mean they know US personally. But, I still use the initials because it’s faster for one, and kind of hard to let go. lol. Thank you though. : ) XO
Happy Belated Birthday to you, (A)!! I proudly remember holding you as an infant, when I was pregnant with Noah. I can’t believe you guys are 14 this year! Wow! And are those braces I see? That’s new! They look good on you! We miss and love you bunches….XOXOXOXO!!!!!!
@Rene: Thank you! I did get braces just recently. Say hi to everyone for me!