The other afternoon, Little {O} and I were working around the gardens, pulling weeds and pinching off dried bits of flower parts, when we noticed we weren’t alone. There was a bumble bee, working right along beside us. It was amazing watching him work, seemingly oblivious to our presence. So graceful, as he floated around. It was but moment, before I couldn’t take it anymore. I asked {O} to keep an eye on him, while I ran into get my camera.
He was all over the place, as was my exposure, as he went from light flower to dark, and back again….I could hardly keep up with my settings, and I didn’t have a macro lens either. So…technically far from the best shots they could have been, but it sure was fun taking them!
These are the moments, when I’m just so fascinated with the brilliant details of God’s beautiful work.
We thought we’d just share the moment with you, and we hope you enjoyed it, too.
Lovely pictures!