How cute are these tiny potted plants sitting on the window sill? Something about little sights like this just stir me somewhere inside, and make me smile.
We got the kids this little kit, to plant some flowers in these little starter potted plants, which we will later transplant into our flower beds outdoors. (They just LOVE stuff like this. All projects, really.)
The first thing they needed to do was put the peat pellets in a bowl, and add one cup of water. Then they had to wait FIVE MINUTES. You know…..eternity, for a kid. This photo below totally cracks me up, because of their expressions of waiting….and waiting….they look thrilled, don’t they?
Just staring at this bowl…..for FIVE MINUTES… they soil soaked up the water and expanded. After about 2 minutes, {S} couldn’t take it anymore, and went into the kitchen to stare at the set timer instead. : ) At least with the numbers counting down, he could see the end in sight.
FINALLY the timer went off, and it was time to mix it up good. They all took turns getting the job done well.
Then Daddy filled up the little pots to the top, while the kids chose the flower seeds of their choice, and counted out 10 seeds each. {A} and {S} chose Delphinium (Pacific Giant), {O} and I chose Rudbeckia (Gloriosa Daisy), and { J } and Daddy chose Hollyhock (Alcea Rosea). Then their little hands got to work, planting each seed about 1/4″ into the soil.
They were pretty happy with their little potted plants, and very excited to watch them grow. We put our initials on them to know whose is whose, and of course, to see whose is growing the best. Will some of us have a more skilled green thumb than others? Or do some species grow faster or slower than others? We’ll see! And I’m sure we’ll keep you posted.
Unfortunately, they have to be kept in this little ‘greenhouse’ to grow. So much for my happy little vision of them lined up on the window sill. But I’m gettin’ over it.
Let the growing begin!

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