Just a quick update on the tadpole observation, from our recent Bullfrog Tadpole Hunting trip .….one isn’t much a tadpole anymore!! Look!! More like a frog with a tail!
You would not believe the eruption of excitement in our house, when {A} discovered this change in one of them. She had gone down to feed them and observe the ones she could, because the habitat container needs fresh pond water once again, and sometimes all of them are hard to see. She came running up from the observation window, screaming “Mama!!! Guess what!! I’ve got a frog with a tail!!!!” She was beside herself with excitement, and the whole family went running down to see. Then her and Daddy went outdoors to the window well, to get our new frog, for a little photo shoot.
Below is the same little amphibian, only 3 weeks ago! What an amazing transformation, huh? It’s making us wonder if this one is a bullfrog, after all, considering that their metamorphosis is said to be a full 14 months. This change we’ve observed seems like a big one in such a short period of time. But all research and comparison of images seem to support it’s a bullfrog.
Below: Here’s one more shot of him now. (or her.) lol
Haven’t had very much time to blog with our busy work season, but had to take the time to post this update, for anyone following our tadpole study! It’s a pretty exciting event we’ve been waiting/hoping for. Thanks for checking in!

My 3 yr-old says “Wish we could hold a tad-tail!”