Not too much to say today really, but I did take some shots of what’s growing around our house at the moment, so I thought I’d share some of my flower photography with you. I hope you enjoy them!
Pink Apple Blossoms of the apple tree. The petals are looking a little beat down from all of the rain,
but there is more buds to bloom, and I think they are beautiful none-the-less.
Lilacs of the Lilac Tree. Still have lots of bud-opening to do as you can see. They put out such a lovely scent though – don’t they?
Purple Phlox. Such a pretty ground covering.
Bell Flowers
Pink Azaelias. This Azaelias bush was here when we bought the house. I look forward to it’s blooming every year.
I have to admit, of these photos, only the Azaelias are actually on our property. The trees and other flowers are actually just on the other side of our property line. But we manage that property, so it’s all as good as ours. : ) We sure enjoy it all.
The hostas are in their full glory. The tulips I was so looking forward to had not been bloomed for 2 days before their heads just got chopped off in one bite at the upper stem. Decapitated, with their heads just laying there on the ground, to be clear. It’s happened in years passed (and makes me mad as the dickens!) Who does it? Is it the squirrels? I’m not sure-but I suspect so.
That’s all for today! Come back soon!

Beautiful flowers!
Let’s try this again – having trouble commenting! Thanks for the comment on my site – your blog is new to me and I love it. Hope you have a great day!