I’ve been looking at this area in our home, over the 3 windows of our sun room, since we’ve had the additions put on…..and I just hadn’t been able to decide what I wanted to do with it.
It wasn’t a matter of a lack of ideas. It was WHICH idea did I want to go with? Leave it as is? Mount some cool stuff on the wall? A shelf with some things that matter to us? Or a really long custom sized printed photo or canvas hanging?
After fearing I would never be able to decide, I decided to decide, and I could always change my mind at any time, and my loving husband would help me take care of the change. It was my way of looking procrastination dead in the eyes, with no fear. : )
I chose to put up a shelf with some stuff, and a meaningful quote up on the wall above it.
I had seen a quote that said ‘something’ like this one above, but probably went nothing like it, really. But I worked out what I wanted it to say, based on how I feel about my home, and this is what I came up with. Michael listened to how I saw it laid out in my head, we designed it on his computer, he took some measurements, cut it out for me, and put it up.
I love my home so much. There really is no feeling I feel anywhere else, than the one I always feel right here.
I think in a coming post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the stuff on the shelf as well. What they are, where they came from, and what they meaning they have to us. Of course, what’s on the shelf could change or grow, before I ever get to that. Who knows?
Oh look! More new stuff already. : )
I’ll tell you……when I walk in my front door now, with my family either coming in behind me, or greeting me at the door, I always look up to my right above the windows, and smile inside. I know I’m truly home, because I can feel it.
I think I’ll be putting a couple more meaningful quotes or scripture on the walls around our house. They can go in any room, big or small. Bedrooms, kitchen, school room, family room, and be a phrase meaningfully-fitting for that space. The possibilities are endless.
If your walls could talk, what would they say?

Beautiful! I love the quote.
What a lovely idea! I think this is one of the best things I’ve seen in a long time!!
I love it! It’s beautiful!!
Oh! I JUST LOVE IT! That feeling comes from all the hard work and love you guys put into your home. It radiates back upon you. Good choice with the shelf and special keepsakes on it! And definitely a fan of the giveaway idea!
Good luck with all your senior pics.
Oh my…I LOVE this! I have been so busy that I haven’t been visiting your blog enough and this is so sweet, I actually go the goosebumps when I read it. I love the quote, I feel so a peace at home, Michael and I both are so happy at home, no place like it! I think if our walls could talk lately they would say “why does it always look like a crime scene around here?”…hugs and kisses, Shelly
Mine would say…”Could you keep it down a little?” or “Please would someone get that smudgy handprint off me…its only been there 5 years or so!” Kim
Thanks Ladies. : )
Samantha–That’s the thing about store bought ones: Even if they have nice sayings, they are something that would really mean something personally to you, like a favorite scripture, or family meaning. We were thinking of offering to do this for people, and also maybe having a give-away for a customized wall lettering if there was enough interest? We can do it for any size, in most any color, any font, etc. Michael could just do a layout for anyone to see via e-mail, and mail it out with application directions.
Love it, love it, love it!!!
It helps to have such talented people living in your house! I’ve seen vinyl quotes at the store and thought they were beautiful, but the $$ was a bit steep! Not to mention the quotes were quite dull.
I think if my walls could talk, they’d probably say….”Quiet down!”