I’ve finally jumped. We have built a simple compost bin, for the purpose of learning some organic composting, and it’s (hopefully) already cooking.
Noun – Decayed organic material used as a plant fertilizer.
Verb – Make (vegetable matter or manure) into compost: “don’t compost heavily infested plants”.
Synonym – fertilize – manure
For as long as I have been gardening, I have wanted to be making my own organic compost for our gardens. Because we all know that what one is trying to grow organically, is going to grow best in healthy, rich, organic soil, that derives from organic compost. While on the one topic I have learned a lot and made physical progress with gardening over the past several years, on the other, we have been buying compost in bags for the gardens. Reason being; every time I research and start reading about making organic compost, I get confused and overwhelmed with all of the info I am finding online. It just seems….complicated, and too specifically scientific, and . . . . I’ve just been afraid that while I have managed to make 4 beautiful and healthy children, I am somehow going to fail at making some good healthy dirt!
But then, I found myself inspired and encouraged, thanks to an online friend, when [Read more…]