We had SUCH a fine day today, all the way around. After such a scheduled and active week with VBS and 5 early mornings in a row (big deal for us), today was just what we needed. It was practically a perfect Saturday.
We slept until 8:30 and then had a leisurely morning . just the way we like them, and almost always have any day of the week. Lingering, sleepy cuddles, and then up to hot coffee sipping and playing, until breakfast in pajamas.
Once we were all ready for the day, we headed out on a mission or 2. We had to deliver a job to Michael’s customer, and then we were on a quest to find dried lavender, for a craft project. I had called a few places before we left, but no one seemed to have it. So we thought we’d try the Farmer’s Market.
Farmer’s Markets; another one of those things I get silly-giddy about. I just love everything about them. The colors everywhere, the scents on the air of freshly-picked-this-and-that, and so many items hand or home made. We can appreciate the work that went into every produce or craft, and the hopes of the sellers to make profit. We love to support local businesses, and our community as a whole, anyway. It’s fun to go, and it’s wonderful to bring home such fresh and locally grown foods to enjoy together. Today, we picked up apples, tomatoes and 1/2 dozen ears of corn.
After another attempt to find the lavender, we gave up, and ended up having a spontaneous picnic. The weather was SO nice. We found the great grassy and shady spot, and had a mini feast on apples, clam strips, fries and ice tea. Afterwards, the kids played some old fashioned yard games (Red Light -Green Light, What time is it, Mr. Fox?, etc.)–as us parents laid on the spread watching them, and the fascinating clouds in the blue sky float by. Every moment was so enjoyable.
When we got home, I got so sleepy, and ended up taking a little cat-nap. (We went to bed way too late last night, again. ) As I awakened and blinked open my eyes, I found one of my little boys cuddled right up to me, just gazing at me with such love in his eyes — wide awake. If that didn’t make me smile enough, my little girl came in and gave me another incredible foot rub!! (She seriously could make a good living at this, already, even though she’s only 5. lol)
Soon it started storming – AGAIN!! We have had more summer storms this summer, complete with thunder and lightening. We all just love storms. The kids get downright excited — running from window to window, watching the flashes and counting down to the big crack-ba-ba-BOOOMMmm!!! Next thing we know, it was HAILING like mad, and that just pumped their excitement. They have never seen hail before, and boy was it coming down!!
I reached out on the deck and grabbed some, and all of the kids touched it. Then they had a spontaneous lesson on hail: why it forms and when it comes down in storms. Weather science at it’s best!! It really was amazing, and the kids were very amused at the way it bounced all over the place. I was having fun taking photos — even though I got wet every time, trying to quickly open and close windows or doors to take the shot. My favorite is the Little People shot on our deck table at the top of this post. I wanted to scream at her “Will you just get in the boat, already??” lol
Then it was time to start dinner. I had a perfect and simple summer dinner planned; tomato sandwiches and corn on the cob. As I was filling up the pan, which was on the counter, with water, {A} started urgently yelling for us to come see this:
…..the rain just pouring off our hillside into our not-yet-done retainer-planter walls. We were worried it was going to ‘take out’ our pumpkin patch! The water that was rushing off was just unbelievable, and of course was also photo-worthy. So I got my camera, and opened the window to get this shot too. Next thing I know, {A} is yelling again, from the kitchen this time. Guess why?? Remember the pan I was filling with water for the ears of corn?? Yeah……………..I never shut off the water when I dashed away to see what she was yelling about the first time. Typical-ADHD-me. : ) I didn’t feel the need to take a photo of that.
By the time the water in the kitchen was cleaned up, the sun was out!
Dinner was just….well, perfect!! Most especially the corn……WOW!!! It was the perfect corn we’ve tried to make 100 times before, the same exact way. But this time….it was all that we’ve dreamed. And we know why: It was farmer market fresh!! We really wished we got a dozen, and have plans to get more at the next Farmer’s Market Day. We have GOT to have some next time the kids Papa (my Dad) comes down. He just loves corn-on-the-cob that’s ‘just-right’. (He’s a natural-born food critic. Trust us.)
So that was our exciting and practically perfect Saturday. Just a simple day together, full of the kind of moments we love, that make up our life together. Just makes us look forward to tomorrow.

Please leave your thoughts with us!