We’d like to gush just a BIT more, about how much we are enjoying this wood stove. Honestly, I may never get over the sheer joy, of having it. We have gained a room to use in the winter! It’s open to our living area anyway, which is open to the kitchen, which is open the school/eating room… so it’s a perfect extension to the main space of our home. So cozy, and so beautiful too look out our windows, that surround us. We all just spend a lot of time in there — schooling, playing games, reading, chatting-all by the fireside. It’s been lovely!
This past weekend, we had a major shift of plans. We were supposed to have ONE more Christmas celebration on Sunday, gathering with my side of the family-all of whom live long distance. We were all so looking forward to it! But….the snowfall predictions put an end to everyone’s travel plans.
So instead, we had a relaxing weekend alone, together. There was plenty of good food to eat though, as we had just shopped for our big gathering!! So the eatin’ was good for days!! Still is, actually! lol
See that pan on the stove top? That is a delicious hot drink we have simmering. Want to peek inside??
It’s a hot cider drink, and we had no idea how delicious it would be. I got the recipe from another blog, but I’ll be darned if I remember where!! I must say though……I wasn’t sure I was going to love it. Or even like it. But just the thought of the citrus aroma it would likely fill our home with, was enough to encourage me to make it anyway. SOMEONE would probably like it.
We were all set to give it a sip or 2, when it was ready. But it had to simmer for awhile first.
Meanwhile, we had a few things we could get done. Like…..undecorate our very Christmas-sy home, perhaps?! Yes, our tree has been up all of this time! Along with all of our other decorations (of which many of you have all probably seen, with all of the photos I took and posted. BOY that was FUN!!) And we really enjoyed them. But…we were ready for them to get packed up again for awhile! I must say…..our home looked a little….naked….for a day or so after wards. But it seems normal again now.
By the time that packing up was done, our cider was ready!! It sure smelled good. But still….I was leery. Mine was a very cautious first sip. One of the ingredients is orange juice….and the thought of warm orange juice was making me cringe a little bit. But as it turned out…..we all LOVED IT. Everyone had TWO cupfuls, and they all want to make it again very, very soon.
We brought the woodpile in, to keep it dry. Which I didn’t mind much, because I love woodpiles. Remember? We were wondering if any bugs would thaw out in there, and come come scurrying out! But none ever did, thankfully. Nonetheless, we’ll be thinking on better wood-storing ideas, when the time comes to stock up on a huge amount of wood.
The snow was really coming down some parts of the day, and it was nice to have no place to go, and just watch it….
and sip some more.
I’ve got to tell you a little bit about this pot on our stove too………
….. Since we talked a little about treasured family pieces, this is one of our own. It was in this home when we bought it. As I mentioned earlier, we had an inset wood/coal stove in a brick wall we knocked out when we added this sunroom, (and a school room/ eating area…..and a whole second story….). It was a black iron stove, inset into a brick fireplace, with a stone hearth. I did love the look of the whole stove/fireplace, with our crooked brick mantel, but we only used the stove itself a handful of times. Reason being, there were issues with the chimney, which really needed work, if not rebuilding! We felt it posed a possible fire hazard in the chimney. It let awful smoke in the house too. What’s more, it would have been very difficult to keep little ones away from it through those years, being dangerously hot to the touch. They are older now, and know better, of course. Anyway, we never invested in getting the chimney fixed, because we were holding onto our hopes and dreams of remodeling our home anyway, which we really needed for a family of 6. We were finally able to do that, and it has been our little dream come true….even though we still haven’t finished it. (But the journey has been gratifying!) So, the day that excavator ripped that old chimney, entire wall and stove off of our house….we saved this pot of course, before it was buried in the rubble. (My 3 kids, who were 4 at the time, napped right through that event, and woke up to a HUGE gaping whole, where the wall and stove/fireplace used to be, and into their suddenly very messy yard!) I love that the pot is L.L. Bean. That company has great stuff, but we never purchase anything from them because they are beyond our budget! But…we do have this pot!! I should add…..we only keep it filled with water, and it puts some moisture into the air.
My. That was a long paragraph.
SO! Here’s a really easy COMMENT assignment for you:
Say ” I “, if you’d like me to post this DELICIOUS CIDER RECIPE for you. It smells and tastes wonderful!! And you don’t even need a wood stove to make it…..any stove at all will do. It’s a perfect winter treat!

– Looking forward to it!
I’m going to look into photoshop. Then I’ll send you a picture of my non-working stove!
— Yes…those were the days!! lol. Forever burned into our memories! I think we laugh just as hard, every time we talk about those sleepovers in the living room! There’s a lot to remember….because who could sleep with you know who in the room?!
I got your email and came to find your comment here about our childhood memories together. After getting the big lump out of my throat and wiping away the tears (I DID blink!), I have to say that most of my fondest memories growing up have included you! I’m still puzzled at your fascination with toast “tasting better” at my house. You were convinced it was the country air getting into the bread. LOL!! I mostly remember the giggle fits we’d have late into the night as we camped out on my living room floor and how you’d make fun of my dog, Mr. Magoo. He had ear problems!! I share your sentiments about my childhood home…the smells, the warmth, and the love. It has been a safe haven and a place of comfort and joy for many over the years. I’m glad that it brought these to you, and that I was a part of what made you smile in your youth. I’m proud to say, you have enriched my life in many ways, in every one of my 40 years! I love you! ~R.
Hurray! Glad to hear the recipe is forthcoming
Darn! Wish I had Photoshop for your tutorial. I’m stuck with Picasa for the time being which has it’s own bag of worms like all imperfect things, I suppose…
— God’s Creation IS so big and AMAZING. I am always fascinated with nature, and how all if the intricate details of the earth and the solar system work together so very perfectly. Anyway…while I am enjoying this winter season more than I ever have, I do look forward to the season you are enjoying today. I’m not a happy ‘cold’ person. Thus…I stay close to my wood stove….and watch the beautiful winter through the windows as much as possible. (I know…I may never stop talking about my stove. lol)
–HI!! Okee dokee on the cider recipe. I’ve had at least a few requests now, but it would have only taken 1. So you’ve got it…coming up soon! My stove, on the other hand, you can’t have. But you are welcome to come sit by it with me! lol
About the photo frames…I do that in Photoshop. Do you have that? I created a whole action that resizes and frames a whole batch of my blog photos in one single click! POOF! Done!
But creating the action takes a little more know-how. Just framing each photos is easy. If you have Photoshop, I’d be happy to e-mail you a tutorial! Let me know. : )
– Ok, You win for the sweetest comment EVER! My nose tingled, my throat tightened, and my eyes got blurry with tears! (But I refused to blink. lol) It touches me, because it’s from you. But also because, it’s those little bits of inspiration that we hope our blog spews out there, like some kind of twinkly inspiration dust – in hopes that a little bit might land on anyone, and inspire them! That someone may see, feel, relish in the joy that can be found in these little things….little experiences,…little moments and daily blessings we ALL have. Just as we get from others. LIKE YOU, Rene!!
I wanted and intended to mention this cousin (Rene, who commented here, though I wasn’t going to name her) in all of my talk about my love for wood piles, fires and wood stoves. It was in her home, as a child, that the love for these things took hold of me. I used to sleep over a lot…and it was EVERYTHING COUNTRY there. (She still lives in that small town I love so much. In a home of her own, with a beautiful family of her own. And this home of her own has the SAME country feel that I love so much. But the home she grew up in is still her parent’s home today, though her father has a second home with Jesus now.) Anyway…as a kid visiting there a lot….there were wood piles. And in the cold seasons, their wood stove in their home was always going! OHhhh…the smell of that wood burning in their home…and in the smokey air for miles around outside. I LOVED IT! I am sure that’s where it all began for me. These things today, as part of my own home and life with my children, brings back treasured childhood memories of times spent with my cousin- a weekend in the country full of country life – her mother’s apple pies baking….making toast in the morning (oh.,..the toast…) it was my kind of place!! They had a lot of antiques around too….which I didn’t appreciate at the time. But I’ve grown to really love some of those too, the older I get.
So….inspiration comes from all places, and passes from person to person, and sometimes comes full circle. EVERYONE has MUCH to share!! Sometimes, it’s just by LIVING, and trying to never cease to find the joy and appreciation in everything.
Thanks Rene….Love you!
Yes, I want the recipe. You can send the stove, too.
And, how do you get a black frame around all your pictures? I love how it makes them look. Is is a special software?
Oh, Cousin!!! Let me tell you something. Listen up and listen good. Your blog has become a daily source of joy for me and my family. We have even tried some of your recipes (the egg-bake thing was a HIT on Christmas morning!!). I love checking out all the pictures of the kids, and all the wonderful things you’ve done to your new and improved home! The last time I was there, you were just finishing up some of the sheetrock so I’m sure it’s a whole new place now. I won’t let this go by without saying that you have inspired me to live a better life in even the smallest ways. I live a blessed life, but, it can always be just a little better. You know?
We don’t see each other often enough and this is a way that I can get my “fix” between visits! Please continue to share your world here, and know that you are touching many lives with your talents, creativity, spirituality and joy!!
Love you all
Rene and family
funny how you’re all snug and making apple cider and we’ve been making and drinking fresh-squeezed orange juice every day,while the kids are running around barefoot and playing with water from the hose…….it is a GREAT big world, isn’t it? i think i’d like that cider recipe, my mom loves apple cider and citrus, so she’d really appreciate the combo.