The slogan of my portrait photography business is, “Picturing The Gifts of Life”. I came up with that slogan, because it’s exactly what I know I am doing, every time I photograph someone. Anyone. Each and every single human being our God created, are indeed a gift of life.
I revel in the uniqueness of every one, and it’s always an honor. But it’s just that much sweeter, when it’s a newborn baby, fresh from the hand of God.
And this one, is a bit extra special to me.
This session was from a few months ago, but I am just getting around to sharing.
There are so many shots from this session, but I try to just share a manageable amount.
I am trying a new gallery uploader (at the end), to keep you from scrolling forever. Just click on one, and then you can click right through and view easily, using the arrows. Feedback on this method of sharing is welcome!
Sorry about the watermark on the photos… has to be done. Try to ignore it. I hate having to use it.
It blemishes my portraits. ; )
Oh, and, I hope nobody would take offense to newborns in the discreet buff, because that’s how I most always photograph them. Pure, innocent, and just the way God made them.
Except for the occasional hat.
Clothes never fit a newborn quite right. And I hate to cover up their perfection.
I hope you enjoy.
Good luck with not falling madly in love. ; )
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I have to say on this day….I so regret not having you take his pics for a whole year! Need to do it ASAP….
Pure heavenly bliss!
Oh my gooodness girl! I’ll take 2!!! She is adorable, so precious and a perfect gift from God.
such a cutie!
I’m done for.