Be fore-warned. There are LOTS of photos in this post. And the reason is simple: Me and my camera were having way-too-much-fun, taking photos of the kids doing this fun plant makeover, with buttons!
This is the other craft I bought supplies for weeks ago. I saw this neat idea in Family Fun Magazine called Bloomin’ Buttons, and if you happened to read this post, then you know how I feel about buttons. So….one way or another I was doing this. It’s not not only a fun project for the kids, but it’s really great for their fine motor skill development.
I just happened to have this lovely Cyclamen plant (see photo below) that my father and brother brought me for Christmas. (Wasn’t that sweet?) Yes, it’s still alive. A little research described this plant as ‘a flowering house plant that requires very little care’, so I’m not too proud of myself. Mine flowers white and scarlet flowers. I just love it. It lives on the ledge between our kitchen and school room, where it gets just the right amount of light, and maximum enjoyment.
But…the basket was looking a little….Christmasy. Especially now that it’s spring. So I had planned on spraying the basket a solid color anyway. But now I had this whole new make-over idea that I was way too excited about, for my age.
So yesterday, while Michael and {A} were out on a job, I asked my little helpers {J}, {O} and {S} (5 year old triplets) if they wanted to help me with a craft. (And then covered my ears to protect them from the inevitable piercing cheers). Of COURSE they did! So I sprayed the basket outside, and left it out there to dry. Then we got out all we needed ( just buttons, wire and wire cutters), plopped down on the floor, and got to work.
First we sorted through the buttons to find the colors we wanted (mainly primary) and the sizes we needed, to work together.
Then we got to threading them with 26 gauge green florist’s wire. It had to go up through and back down through, making a few good twists right below the buttons.
The kids loved making differing color combinations, and doing something different each time. We must have sat in a circle, just chatting, giggling and working (perhaps like quilters! lol) for over an hour. About the time it was time to put our little button bouquets into the plant soil, their show was on. That worked out good, because it wasn’t easy putting them in even for me. What a mess I made. But look how CUTE it came out!! …….
Now that I had sprayed the basket all white, I decided it needed a little something at the bottom. So I added some tiny colored cord, because it was all I had. But I may pick up some colorful thin ribbon that might look better. Still….I love it as it is. It is so…..qUiRky, and FuN! Like me! (Well….some do think so.)
So I know you really get the idea by now, but just because I didn’t want the fun to end, I kept taking photos. I love detail shots. Indulge me………..
It’s like a Button Garden!….
With unique little button buds……
Now I’ve seen those ‘room make-over’ shows, so I know a nice way to end these things is to show a split screen of before and after.
So here it is……..What do you think??
Now I think it’s time for ME to have a makeover.
The next couple of days are on the busy side for us, so not sure we’ll have much time to blog. But you never know! Thanks for stopping by today!

This is completely adorable!
What a fun post! And I love all the beautiful colorful buttons!
I think I’ve just found our next project for our learning room! 🙂