Michael’s birthday was the 19th. I like to think there is only about 3.5 months out of the year that I am older than him, but once his birthday rolls around, we’re the ‘same number’, and so it’s all the same. ; )
He chose to spend a good part of his birthday cutting wood. Yes, he really loves cutting wood that much. He got an ax for his birthday, a little early.
I made him his favorite dinner for his birthday too: BREAKFAST. : )
{A} made him this cake. She said red, white and blue is his favorite colors. I’m not sure I knew that.
But he is an All American Boy. ; )
I got him this card…and we laughed hysterically, for 10 minutes, with mouthfuls of chocolate cake.
Showing you the inside would not be as funny as opening it yourself, so to save ourselves from looking foolish, I won’t show you the pic of the inside. It’s a talking card, so you’d really have to hear it, to truly laugh with us. But I do plan on expanding somewhat on this topic very soon. So stay tuned if you love to laugh. ; )
That night….
…around 10 p.m. eastern time…
…our very first flurries of this cold season began….
….and it went all night….
….so we woke up to this….
A photographer friend of mine guilted me into going outside to take photos.
So I did, and as cold and sufferable as it was….
she was very happy to see photos.
But karma is a funny thing, because she’s about to get her first snowstorm.
And now, she owes me.
But she’s excited to go out and take photos.
She saw this photo, and said she ‘always gets sad for the trees’, but that it is pretty.
Do trees get sad?
I loved the bird photos I got the most.
Several Tufted Titmice were very busy going back and forth, gathering seed.
I loved this shot.
And this one. : )
The kids have been sledding every day. For the small property we have, they created quite the lengthy sled trail! It comes down from the upper yard, down and across the lower yard, and where we removed a section of fence for them, down another hill (over my bushes) into the driveway.
I know….I should have gone out and taken photos of the kids sledding too. But I am still recovering from the first trip out there. ; )
In closing, I have to share with you all a very touching Christmas surprise we received in the mail yesterday.
It was a cushioney package, from Canada!
Something about getting a package from someone out of the country, makes you feel even a tad extra-special. ; )
We recognized the name of the sender.
It was Samantha, from Little Steps to Heaven, and her family.
Inside the package, was a photo Christmas card, of her beautiful family (with another on the way!), and a sweet note.
And these…..
Be still my heart. Hand-knitted Christmas tree ornaments! One for each of us. It’s our whole family! <sniff, sniff>.
They are Canadian ‘touques’, hand-knitted by Samantha herself. Touques is defined as a kind of warm winter cap, usually made from a knit bag with closed tapered ends, by pushing one end within the other, thus making a conical cap of double thickness.
But you could probably tell that, just by looking at them. Aren’t they ADORABLE?!!
You know, one of the greatest things that have come of this blog, is the friends we have made. So many beautiful-hearted people, like Samantha and her family. People you can count on for prayers when you need them, or count on inspiring you, witnessing them as they strive to live their faith, as we do. People that touch our hearts with their e-mails, comments, posts on their own blogs, and sometimes, surprises like this.
We are blessed, with all of YOU!
To Samantha and your family….we thank you SO much. Your thoughtfulness means so very much to us, and we know these ornaments will not only be treasured for all of the years to come, but touch make us smile every year as we unpack them, and think of you. They are symbols of warmth, not only of heads, but of hearts.

Is Tracey the photographer friend you mentioned?
Beautiful pictures and I love the little hats!
Wishing you a very merry Christmas to you and your family!
We love you guys too! Merry Christmas!
Happy belated birthday Michael, and love all the snow pictures! Finally, thanks for the sweet notes above…almost made me cry!