If you’ve been a visitor of our blog for awhile, you may have noticed that we just get silly-excited, about the darndest things. About lots of things, all kinds of things, and sometimes most anything. : ) That’s just how we are. Sometimes, those things have to do with accomplishments with our home. If you knew the transformation our home has taken, and what we’ve been through to make it happen, you’d probably appreciate that more. That’s another ‘post all it’s own’, but needless to say…..it’s been a very long, but very exciting journey. And having done most of the work ourselves (which is still a work in progress), every single ‘check off the list’ is a big deal to us. So indulge us, won’t you please? Because we’re jumping up and down here with excitement!
ONE of our home projects has been to get this wood/coal stove vented to the outside. It’s a WESO Ceramic Radiant Heat Wood and Coal Stove.
And it’s a family piece. More on that in a bit.
Except….we needed a chimney, since our old one was knocked out with a wall, and was falling apart anyway. The sun room this stove is in now, is in it’s place. So…..hooking up this stove, and getting a proper chimney up, that would pass inspection of course, was a major project. We had a deadline goal to get it done by, that was really important to us.
Obviously, we missed that goal by a long shot! But it did get done, in all thanks to my husband, who can do all things, when he decides to. And he’s ambitious.
😉 He cut a hole through the ceiling and roof just so, got everything squared away and boxed in, and patched up the ceiling in no time at all. Well….a few days. lol His brother in-law did send one of his roofing guys over, to do the roof part properly. (Thank you BIL!!) But my husband even assembled the mile-high chimney on the roof all by himself >>> during the 2 absolute coldest days of the winter so far—in the single digits. Crazy I tell you.
I know…we’re looking a bit like Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory now. (Actually, that wouldn’t be an entirely bad thing, if it were true. lol). But hey…..it gets the job done. And it meets inspection standards.
I have a thing about woodpiles. I think because they mean FIRES ARE GOING TO HAPPEN! I have always loved fires. Well….the good ones. Wood stove fires. Camp fires. Those kind. And our whole family really enjoys them together whenever we can. It’s a such a big-fun-deal to the kids, when we build fires outdoors, just to sit around and chat….which we do quite a bit in the summer and early fall. Sometimes we even have s’mores! Plus….woodpiles are so…country-ish. We just love the smell of wood burning, too.
Back to the stove (and re-using this photo). We’re not only SO excited to be having a real wood/coal stove for our home, because we love having fires to gather around, making our home cozy, and just adding to the comforts of home feel. But this stove in particular, has meaningful family history. It’s a WESO ceramic wood and coal stove, made in the mid 1970’s, and it was Michael’s (my husband’s) grandparent’s stove. They had it up in their home in Maine, practically for all of his childhood.
That makes it really special, because Michael was really close to his Nana, and spent a lot of time up there. Even his school vacations, if he could. He often brought one of his friends, all of whom took him right up on that offer, because his Nana was cool! So he essentially grew up with this stove. It was there all the years I knew his Nana, and visited her with him, as well. When his Nana passed away (about 8 years after his grandfather), the stove went to his parents home, where he grew up. By then of course, he was no longer living at home. We were planning to get married by then. But nonetheless, it was there in their home, where we often visited and gathered, for years into our marriage and having four children, until his parents sold the home and moved.
That’s when we took it, in Nov 2006. And we’ve been waiting to make it part of our home, ever since.
The older we get, the more family pieces mean to us. To have things around our home that have family history, is just such a blessing. We don’t have a whole lot. Lots of little things that are just as precious. But this stove is a treasure to us. It’s a beauty!! And it was finally time to start her up!! Heading into a bitter cold weekend, too.
This corner, and just to the left of it where our french doors into the rest of our home are, is the only parts of the room that are windowless. This room is pretty much all windows, and a sliding glass door out to the deck. LOTS of natural light. We are essentially surrounded by the outdoors, but inside. We have spent A LOT of time in here……even though it is no where near decorated or furnished as it will be. The kids just LOVE this room as well, and spend a lot of time in it too….until the winters came. It just got BITTER cold out there. The stone tiles were like ice. So when we come in the front door, we kick off our shoes and get through the french doors and into the house as soon as possible. It’s been a 3 season room.
But not anymore. It’s finally a 4 season room! I have to say…..it’s been one very enjoyable, very snowy, and very cozy weekend for us, here in our home. We’ve spent much of it in this room…..surrounded by a winter wonderland, but warm as can be. Just gathered together as a family, hanging out by the fire. Right where we love to be.
We’ll be back to tell you more about our cozy weekend really soon. Meanwhile, if you have any really treasured family pieces as part of your home, we’d love to hear about them! It doesn’t matter what it is, big or small, pretty or not…..if it matters to you, it matters! Please feel free to share family pieces with us if you have a moment.

Thanks, Michael.
One of the glass slats on our Weso ceramic stove just broke.
Does anyone know where to get a replacement?
Hi Veronica – I did replace a glass slat on our Weso wood stove that was broken some years ago. I can’t quite remember who through, but try:
woodstove-fireplaceglass.com. I just found there is literally a photo of our stove on their site. It looks like they sell glass for these stoves.
Hope that helps. – Michael
Veronica, I found the place I ordered from: Tecniglas.com
Then click on Robax for Fireplace. Then it will have you follow directions on how to order the size you need.
It may be worth a phone call since you’ll need a certain thickness also.
We have a Weso HSK 125c white ceramic stove used predominately for pea coal.
We’re trying to locate a foundry or welder who has repaired Weso stoves.
Can anyone recommend a company which can repair our Weso stove.
We love it and it keeps the dampness from our fieldstone house from chilling our rooms in winter.
We’re located in southeastern Pennsylvania.
Please send contact information for a good repair shop if anyone knows of a place that repairs Weso
Thank you.
we are interested in selling our Weso HSK 125C ceramic heating stove
I am looking for a smallish ceramic stove and discovered Weso and then this old blog. Our choice is dimension bound because I would be installing through a fireplace opening with a curved hearth. Any suggestions appreciated but, for the Weso models, can someone help me with dimensions?
We just drove from central Ohio all the way to Berlin, Maryland to buy the large 4 ft tall model. It is brown ceramic and instead of feet, it is sitting on a pedastil that looks like stucco but is really iron. The people bought a house and it was in there and they wanted to sell it. if your interested here’s what we spent: $500.00 for the stove. $535 for cargo van rental with mileage. and gas was $250
It was a 22 hour trip up and back with no stopping except for gas.
It is beautiful. Rarely used, like new condition. we have the original manual
We feel lucky to have it.
I have a WESO ceramic tile stove model HSK #125. I even have the manual for it, very well taken care of. Let me know if anyone is looking for one. (626) 297-1177.
We are interested. Please send a picture and what price you were looking for.
Thank you.
I have one of these stove for sale in Belmont NH. Anyone interested?
Can you tell me if this is still available? Also does it look exactly as the picture above? Do you have pictures? Thank you!
I am looking to purchase a WESO 020 model if anyone knows anyone who has one to sell.
We have a weso stove to sell. Its model 125c.
I just bought a house with one of these in it. I am trying to sell it but I don’t know how much they go for! I have the pipes and everything for it to be installed and it seems to be in great shape overall. If anyone knows how much I could sell this for please let me know!!!
Hi Stephanie,
Well my husband Michael, seems to think they are only worth about $600 now. Especially because parts are no longer available for them. But he’s not 100% sure on their value today, so keep searching for a definite answer. Ours is invaluable to us, as it was Michael’s grandmother’s. Best wishes to you in finding an accurate appraisal, and willing buyer!
Laura / House of Joyful Noise blog
If it’s all there and in good condition Send pictures and info to email address below. I live in Pa but would travel.
We’re in Michigan and have one to sell. It is weso 225c3-4.
Hi Larry. Did you ever find your WESO? I have one of the largest models, #225, which is 4 ft. tall, and burns either wood or coal. It is barely used and in almost new condition. List price new in 1983 was $2,195 and I’m asking $850. If you are interested give me a call at (210)738-9229 or email me at thardin1@satx.rr.com.
I have the exact one
Hi Laura! I have the exact same stove! Last night a piece of glass broke from the fire box. I am looking to see if anyone has the exact dimensions and the size of the gasket.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Hi Ashley! – So cool we have matching stoves! Sorry to hear yours is a bit broken. This happened to ours probably 10 years ago. I don’t know the exact dimensions without taking my own door apart, but I did find online this place where you can get this ‘robax’ glass custom cut. I am including the link. You will have to take the door off, place it gently down on a soft flat surface (like a towel), and remove the retaining screws from the frame that holds the glass in place. Take one of the pieces of glass out, measure the height and width, and I can tell you the thickness is 1/8″. I did not need to replace the gasket, so you may not either.
Hope this helps! https://www.woodstove-fireplaceglass.com/
Michael –
House of Joyful Noise blog
Hello! We moved into a home with the exact same stove in brown. The crazy thing is the couple that built the house NEVER used the stove. It’s brand new, installed in 1983. I have only one real question about its operation, is it intended that the clean out plate in the center top hole. Be in place or removed when burning a fire? Thanks!
Hi Jonathan – That is pretty incredible! Yes, the clean out plate should remain in place. It helps hold the heat in longer.
Thanks for the inquiry. Hope this helps.
– The Richard Family / House of Joyful Noise blog
I can’t thank you enough for this blog. Thanks to Trish for making the manuals available! There is a WESO available, but not nearby. I’m thinking of making the trip to get it, if it has the coal panels installed.
Has anyone found replacement parts?
Dear Fran
My name is John… from Pittsburgh
Have you found any replacement parts for your WESO stove ??…. I need the two rear plates for the firebox.
Please ….. talk to me….
Many Thanks, John
Hi John,
This is Michael, from House of Joyful Noise blog. I saw your question to Fran here, and just wanted to jump in for you as well. I have not been able to find replacement parts myself, but I did have a rear plate go. It warped and disintegrated. What I did was have another one made out of steel, and it’s been perfect ever since.
Hope that idea helps you out.
Would you send some images of the hookup in back of the stove? I am attempting to have someone install a new chimney and they seem to think it’s a weird size or something. Just curious what yours looks like.
Thanks Much,
Did send you some photos to your email a couple of weeks ago, Seth. Hope you received them and your installation went well!
Michael / House of Joyful Noise blog
Has anyone found somplace to get parts for this WESO ceramic stove?
Hi Jim,
You could try a place called Ceramic Radiant Heat TKM, or call this number: 603-364-6776.
– The Richard Family / House of Joyful Noise blog
Just found your site.
We have a WESO Ceramic Tile Stove and are also trying to locate a part.
We have a two story berm home and it is our main heat source. However, the back side which is cast iron has formed a 6 inch crack. We’ve been told it is no use to repair / weld on cast iron as it will most certainly crack again or disintegrate due to temperature changes.
Do you or anyone else have a lead on a replacement parts.
We called the number listed for Ceramic Radiant Heat TKM (603-364-6776) that you listed and the lady who answered said they no longer are in the business or have any parts because her husband is getting on in age. I asked if they sold the business or can make a referral to another source and she simply said “No”.
Any help / suggestions would be very greatly appreciated.
Hello Cal,
I am trying to figure out where the crack is on your stove. Is it in the removable heat shields at the back of the firebox or is it behind them? If it is behind I too had a crack there. I used high heat cement and did both sides to repair it. You might have to do this every season. If it is in the removable plates I had one of those bend and crack which I then had a friend make for me one out of steel plate. I hope these ideas help you out.
Now, If you don’t mind me asking, I have a question for you. Do you have a damper in the stove pipe behind your stove? I have never put one in and was thinking it would help hold some of the heat from going up the chimney.
Thanks and good luck,
Michael – Thanks so much for your information. We ended up making this repair as suggested. Regarding the stove pipe damper – no we do not have one. Good idea – would like to know if you get any other feedback.
From your previous comment…
What brand of high heat cement do you use? We made our repair using JB Weld Extreme Heat and have already had the beginning of a crack form.
Have you had to repair a crack more that once? If so, did you grind it down and start over or reapply the cement on top of the old repair?
Thank you again for sharing your experiences / insights.
Hi Cal,
I used a high heat stove/furnace cement from True Value Hardware. I think it did crack again but it is behind that steel plate I had made. I should check it out again and see. Anyway, I think you should scrape it down and try again. Maybe ask a stove dealer in your area to see what they would recommend.
Best of luck,
I have a manual and also looking to sell my Weso. We have converted to gas. If I can find a place to host my pictures, I will take pictures of the manual and share.
I might be interested in your Weso if you’re still looking to sell…have you posted pics anywhere?
I am moving into a cabin that has that exact stove as the only heat source but I’m not sure how to operate it. Does anyone have a manual they can send or post?
I don’t have any advice but am desperately looking for a repairman or someone that is familiar with the Weso Model 125 our German Kachelofen. We bought in in 1986 form Ceramic Radiant Heat only I cannot find their phone or e-mail address anywhere. We live in a northwest suburb of Chicago and would appreciate any help from anyone reading this.
I am sorry but I didn’t know how else to post this…Thank you in any event
I just found the operations and installation manual online. You can download it.
You don’t happen to have a manual for how to run that stove, do you? We just got one and there was no manual, and after looking at the settings and the back, I feel like we need to read an owners manual. My wife loved the look of it, and the price was outstanding, but being able to use it would be awesome too!
Were you able to get a manual? We just purchased one and also are in need of a manual.
I just found the operations and installation manual online. You can download it.
Have you been successful burning coal in your Weso? I have the same stove and just started trying to burn anthracite coal–but it seems to burn too hot. Once I get it going, it roars up over 600° and I have to open the top door to cool it.
We’ve only burned coal a few times. We mostly burn wood. But the few times we did, we never had an over-heating problem. We just control the heat with the primary air controller (w/ the big damper). You also have to be sure the coal panels are in. If you can’t control it through the primary and secondary air controllers, there must be air getting in some other way. Maybe the gaskets on the doors. That’s about all we can think of. As we said, we mostly burn wood, and it’s been fantastic. Our stove makes winters so much more bare-able. Hope this info helped.
The Richard family / House of Joyful Noise blog
What do the controls on the back of the stove do?
Hey Craig! We don’t have any controls on the back of our stove. We do have two on the front. One controls oxygen to the top of the fire, and one to the bottom of the fire. Maybe yours on the back are for the same.
Hope that helps.
The Richard Family / House of Joyful Noise blog
I have a ceramic wood ,coal stove and need the part that goes in the front of the fire box that protects the glass from burning fire wood. The part broke in several pieces and would like to replace it. My parents had the stove for 30 plus years and it’s still works as when new. The Best Stove we ever had and still have , use and enjoy!
Beautiful stove…I feel warm just seeing the pictures!
I love love love that stove! I so want to visit you and see your cool house. and YOU, of course. One day . . .
Well THANKS, Regan
!! It really has been so nice to have going….with the outdoors covered in snow. (Which is SO pretty right now!) Come warm your fingers and toes anytime! (Just call first! LOL!)
I hope you DO share some ‘old friends’ from around your home!
If you want me to post photos of your family treasures with a little ditty on our blog here, e-mail them to me! That would be fun!
ok, laura, because I LIKE YOU, i am going to put all jealousy of that stove aside and quit trying to imagine it in my front room, warming myself and my loved ones….since it IS a family heirloom. but, really, that is beautiful…….maybe i’ll share a few “old friends” we have lying around.
that is after i give this house a good cleaning! have a blessed day!