THANK YOU to all 12 of our commenting participants for the Summer Flag Giveaway! I thought it was a bust at first, and it got me down, but you all came through, and got me excited again, because we have so many AWESOME Giveaways coming up! Our best yet!! So if you didn’t win this time, keep joining us and you are BOUND to win something great!
So far, we have chosen to choose winners via the random drawing generator from the numbered comments. We love all of our visitors and commenters, and are so happy you all participated, we’d have a hard time choosing ourselves. But some day, we may try a different method.
Ok, on to the WINNER!!
If you can believe it……the random drawing generator from the numbers 1 through 12 chose:
The first commenter!!
(We laughed out loud.)
Ohh…..WHO was the first commenter?
KIM from ‘The Inadvertent Farmer’
(Here is the link to the comments/post for this Give-Away.)
I like to call her ‘Kim the Farmer’, because for 1, I have a sister in law Kim who comments here sometimes, so it helps keep them straight. But also, I just love that she lives on a farm. Heck, I love her. And I love her blog! You’ve got to check it out. Always fun stuff going on, and ‘fabulous photos, too. Plus, you think having a hedge hog is strange? Wait until you see what SHE has!!
CONGRATULATIONS, KIM (the Farmer)!! Send me us an e-mail with your mailing address please, and we’ll get your gift right out to you!
Now, naturally, I have a few comments to your comments! I couldn’t comment before, or I might be at risk for winning my own summer flag! (hee hee.)
So yes Everyone who inquired, Michael is having a beer on his break, sitting on the roof covered bench. Was anyone surprised? I think we surprise people a lot, somehow. Neither of us are big drinkers in the way of intoxication. lol. But we do both have a drink or 2 on weekends. Lately, Mike’s Hard Lemonade has been my refreshment drink of choice.
Thanks to Everyone who just said nice things! Sorry if you didn’t win….but again, lots more coming up!
Rene….We have done mostly annuals in the past, but will be getting more and more into perennials as our landscaping/front yard transformation really starts coming to life. No herbs yet…..good thought. We got tons of strawberries, and are in between the 2 varieties right now. The gardens are looking fab, and hopefully still will when you get here! I will save a few strawberries for my freckle-faced girl. They are in the freezer.
Teri…..What a dream come true it would be, to have you sitting there on our bench. Even if you were just drinking and spewing pearls of your supervisory wisdom!
Paula……I didn’t expect you to be a bit impressed, with the gardens YOU have grown! So your comment meant a lot, even if you are lying because you love us.
Laura S…..We did not know that about the cosmos!! Thanks for that info! They have grown HUGE this year so far. More like trunks, than stems. Can you comment or send us an e-mail, with a little more specifics about what you do with them? Like…directions. lol
To Everyone Else….who mentioned about being excited to watch how the pumpkins grow, US TOO!! Boy do we have an update blog post on that. We have SO MUCH to blog about…..and so much work at the same time. So bare with us, and see it all as something to look forward to! Because we’re excited to share it all, even with slight delays!

Just posted about my lovely new flag!
Kim the Farmer, I’m going to have to suspect you were just looking at the pretty pictures again. ; )
Now, I know a camel as a pet is normal in your special and beautiful world, but the rest of us are still adjusting, and fascinated. XOXO
Ok…how dumb is it that I commented and didn’t know anything about the giveaway?
You’re not really saying a camel is as weird as a hedgehog are you?
Congrats to Kim!
And please pass me a Mike’s Hard Lemonade…I sure could use one.
Yes, I love you guys, but I wasn’t lying! Our gardens failed miserably this year.
Laura, I just posted a picture on facebook of my cosmos…not a great photo, b/c one, I am not a photographer and 2, they are wilted and hot right now!
Congratulations, Kim! Laura, I can’t wait to see you all!!